Was Freud Right?

An honest investigation of Psychoanalysis

Muhammad Zunair
Past & Patterns


Image from verywellmind

Finding it impossible to control your sexual urges? Or are you struggling with living in accordance with the moral code of the society? Or even worse, are you enduring confusion and pain vis-a-vis your relation with your partner?

Well, more than 100 years ago, a guy by the name of Sigmund Freud claimed to have a solution for all such issues. However, he was mostly wrong.

What’s the purpose of talking about him, then?

Sigmund Freud — also known as the father of Psychoanalysis — introduced some very interesting theories throughout the first half of 20th centuries, and irrespective of the fact that most of his theories later proved to be bogus, there is no harm in examining his views and having an intellectual discourse over Psychoanalysis or Psychodynamic therapy.

So, come along! I’m about to tell you some intriguing things, which will unravel your cognitive processes.

Sigmund Freud, born and raised in Freiberg, was an Austrian Neurologist, who popularized a number of psychological ideas back in the day, especially across Europe and the US.

Interestingly, most of his theories emerged as a result of his clinical experiences as Freud noticed that most of his patients didn’t have any physical…



Muhammad Zunair
Past & Patterns

27-year old child -- trying to exist amid this chaos by penning down his thoughts on philosophy, psychology, history & an eclectic mix of topics.