Uciha Madara
2 min readJun 20, 2019

How to easy find exploits with Searchsploit on Linux

image for searchsploit

Who likes to play with exploits should know with Exploit-db, exploit-db is a website that provides a collection of several vulnerabilities and code exploits from around the world. Over time, exploit-db developers have created opensource tools to facilitate exploit-db users so that the user can easily access without entering the exploit-db website.

Searchsploit is an opensource security tool that stores exploit files that are in the db exploit, so we can easily access exploits in the exploit-db without entering the eploit-db site that I explained earlier.


On Unix systems, everything you need is either “coreutils” or “utilities” (eg bash, sed, grep, awk, etc.), and “git”. It is installed by default on many different Linux distributions, including OS X / MacOS.

clone project :

git clone https://github.com/offensive-security/exploit-database.git /opt/exploit-database

An optional step that will make using SearchSploit easy is to put it in $ PATH.

echo $PATH

Use the command below so you can create a symbolic link in the “/ usr / local / bin” directory that points to searchsploit, allowing you to run it without providing the full path.

ln -sf /opt/exploit-database/searchsploit /usr/local/bin/searchsploit

When it’s finished installing then update your searchsploit.

searchsploit -u
image for searchsploit update
image for searchsploit option
image for searchsploit example exploit