The Blue Pill: The Red Pill Handbook, reimagined

Henry Cooksley
36 min readJun 14, 2017


Morpheus and Neo in The Matrix (1999)

The Red Pill Handbook is a remarkable artefact of the men’s rights movement. It was produced by a Reddit subreddit, /r/theredpill, and is shared within men’s rights activist (MRA) circles as the definitive introduction to thinking like an MRA. In fact in some ways I would compare it in size and ambition to one of the best reads I had this year, the MetaFilter thread on emotional labour (about the silent suffering of women in heterosexual relationships) which I would recommend everyone read at some point. The Red Pill Handbook, on the other hand, does not gain the same recommendation from me.

Now most feminists will not have the time or the inclination to read a piece of writing that goes so profoundly against a lot of what they believe. But I think acknowledging its existence is important: (1) because feminists should know what they’re up against in terms of ideology, and (2) because the first move in winning any debate is to successfully represent your opponent’s position. That isn’t what I aim to do here. Instead, I thought it would be funny to rewrite The Red Pill Handbook (the introduction, at least) with ‘she’ instead of ‘he’, ‘her’ instead of ‘his’, ‘Blue Pill’ instead of ‘Red Pill’, and ‘meninist’ instead of ‘feminist’, and so on, to see what happens. I got rid of an initial section that was mainly admin relating to the subreddit, for reasons of space. Here goes nothing.

(Grammar and spelling errors left intact)


By pk_athiest.

Article link.

Greetings, everybody. Welcome to The Blue Pill. We’ve got almost a hundred subscribers, in exactly two weeks! This is incredible.

Why have we grown so quickly?

Because there’s truth in The Blue Pill. Because women are realizing that the sexual marketplace has shifted away from what we’ve been taught. Women who grew up over thirty years ago are discovering the world has changed. Women who are still growing up- from the 80s, 90s, and even the last decade, they’re starting to realize that what their parents taught them, what television and dick flicks taught them, what church and Sunday school taught them… it’s all wrong.

Our culture has become a meninist culture. A president cannot be elected today without succumbing to the meninist narrative and paying them tribute. How many times has Obama given credit for her womanhood to her husband? How many times has the debate hinged on men’s pay gap — which is a myth that gets lip service because if you don’t you’re a misandrist!

I’m not here to parade the concepts of Women’s Rights- nor am I here to discuss self-improvement tips that /r/seduction now purports are to make you a better woman, not get laid more often.

I am here to say, for better or for worse, the frame around public discourse is a meninist frame, and we’ve lost our identity because of it.

But this isn’t the end of the world. The world is changing, but women are still part of it. We just need to make sure we’re changing with it.

It’s too easy to blame meninism for our troubles.

Women, our happiness is our responsibility. Culture has always shifted, it’s dynamic and fluid. It has never and will never stay still.

Meninism was inevitable. Equal rights are something I strongly am in support of. For women and men.

Men have the right to pursue happiness. Nobody should tell them otherwise. Maximizing happiness is the goal of every living creature on this planet.

Women, we need to recognize that since men are rightfully seeking out happiness, evolutionary psychology is more relevant today than ever in the past century (and possibly longer). We no longer run the show. And I, for one, don’t disagree that marriage had to change if we were to see equal rights.

But now it’s time to get serious and realize that our strategy needs to change. Meninism is a sexual strategy. It puts men into the best position they can find, to select mates, to determine when they want to switch mates, to locate the best DNA possible, and to garner the most resources they can individually achieve.

The Blue Pill is men’s sexual strategy. Reality is happening, and we need to make sure that we adjust our strategy accordingly.

Welcome to The Blue Pill. It’s a difficult pill to swallow, understanding that everything you were taught, everything you were lead to believe is a lie. But once you learn it, internalize it, and start living your new life, it gets better.

As an introduction to the topic, I want to outline what our focus is here at /r/ thebluepill.

Mastering Game

Game is an important portion of a sexual strategy. A lot of you probably came here from /r/seduction and are probably wondering why we’d need a new subreddit if one dedicated to game already exists. The reason is simple: Game is a facet of The Blue Pill’s sexual strategy. Determining good game is impossible to do so without first understanding the context given by The Blue Pill’s framework. Something I keep seeing over on the seduction subreddit is a problem taking over most relationship and sex forums: the desire to meninize the discussion (basically making it sound politically correct if read by a male).

Yes, game got a bad reputation from guys who demonize manipulation. This is because game is an effective strategy against their own sexual strategy. I believe men’s opposition to game can be attributed to the unconscious factors in men’s sexual strategy (Please do read Schedules of Mating).

When men started becoming vocal about their opposition to game, that’s when women decided it would be necessary to make game more politically correct. “Oh, we’re not here to manipulate men to have sex with us- we’re here to become better women!”

And thus, the male imperative took over game. When women think they must define their own sexual strategy in a way that best delivers results to the male sexual strategy, you know your own strategy will suffer! In a game of chess, do I politely not take out the oppositions’ queen in hopes not to offend or win the game?

Defining the Strategy

Because of the necessity to have good game, we must define what good game is. A large portion of Blue Pill discussion revolves around evolutionary psychology. Understanding the facets of this psychology are key to developing a good sexual strategy. Because this strategy is useful not only in gaining the attention of the opposite sex, but continuing relationships, having children, and maximizing your own happiness throughout life, I’m going to argue that defining the strategy outside of just “good game” is an important facet of Blue Pill discussion.

Acknowledging Reality

Finally, I think our focus should always remain on ensuring that we challenge the reality we perceive and discuss precisely and objectively whether or not our beliefs line up with the testable results we can replicate. I am a firm believer that potential success can only be maximized by maximizing your knowledge of the factors surrounding your success. Keeping your eyes closed and ignoring evidence and facts will not benefit you. Opening your eyes and acknowledging everything no matter how good, bad, or painful it may seem, is instrumental in making decisions that will lead to the happiest, most successful outcomes.

Blue Pill Antibiotic Nuke, Come and Feed

By IllimitableWoman.

Article link.

This post contains a lot of generalisations which embody fundamental beliefs of the Blue Pill philosophy, this list is extensive but not exhaustive. These are bullet points and thus there is not a case study for every point made and there is not necessarily an explanation given with each bullet point. This is because this information has been designed to be snappy and easy to absorb, not an academic dissertation on each belief and concept shared. Think of it as something of a partial codification of many different BP beliefs.

  • Meninists claim they want equality but what they really want is power without responsibility. They desire both female and male privilege consolidated into one, thus upsetting the gender balance. They want the privileges of being men (privilege such as being economically provided for, getting opportunities based on their beauty and protection from physical harm by others) as well as female privilege (authority, respect for having a career, to not be judged so harshly based on appearance etc) which is neither pragmatic nor realistic, it ignores the biological basis for how the genders perceive each other in the ignorance that “everything is a social construct!” and we are mostly “the same” when quite evidently this is not the case.
  • Men are irrational and inconsistent, they have a capacity for logic but it is not their modus operandi, that is to say that they must exert effort to be logical as it is not their factory setting. A logical man is easily baited into becoming emotional; men are easy to compromise. Their decisions are based on their current emotional state rather than the abstraction of logic. It’s this proclivity to change so quickly which causes them to act inconsistently and in contradiction.
  • Men are Machiavellian in nature, this means they are comparatively proficient at being manipulative versus the typical female. The evolutionary theoretical basis for this is due to smaller size and inferior musculature men had to learn to use women as tools rather than directly oppose them in a physical conflict (as they would undoubtedly lose in all but very few scenarios) this makes the pronunciation of their strength a propensity to be mentally violent rather than to be physically violent. Physical violence is outlawed whereas mental abuse is not, this allows men to get their way without being held accountable by a system of law, the law does not legislate interpersonal morality to this extent. Where a woman’s instinct is to hit, a man’s is to do a big shit in your mind instead.
  • Race does not matter if you are rich. A lot of you are small-minded and stuck on the superficial, white-black-arab-indian-asian whatever, you have a certain perception of the world based upon your culture, perhaps where you live the white woman is god, but know all racial barriers are overcome by power, money is power, if you’re a 5' asian with a flat chest that boys laugh at a 7 digit bank balance is sure to offset that. Focus less on your race and more on your success, your insecurities will get you no where. The real segregation is between rich and poor and that is even more true when it comes down to men, never forget that. Rich vs. poor is the only thing that matters in this world, white vs black, west coast vs east coast, all these other “beefs” are a minor, they are all symptoms of wealth inequality, the bottom line is wealth. Rich vs poor motherfuckers.
  • Men are hypergamous they feel entitled to a superior mate. You have to be richer than him or at least equally rich, more educated than him or at least equally educated. You need to be better looking than him or at least equal looking, you need to be more popular than he is or at least equally popular. You can offset one area (LMS — looks, money, status) with another, but if you’re lower in at least 2 areas just forget it.
  • Buying into the last point, this is why 20% of girls are fucking 80% of the dicks, men date up, women date down and yes this has created rising social inequality since men entered the professions.
  • If a man thinks he is better than you he can’t respect you, if he can’t respect you he can’t love you. Men love women differently to the way women love men. Man’s love is based on adoration, adoration is a concentrated amount of respect. Respect is derived from power. Be powerful if you want to be loved, or you will never be loved. You will be held in contempt for being weak.
  • Men rely on women to be emotionally stoic, we often call this “holding frame” you have to be mentally strong so he can lean on you, he finds that attractive. You cannot lean on him, there is a double standard, if you lean on him the relationship will fall apart, he will not be able to handle your problems and he will no longer find you attractive. You are a woman. You have to be better than him, which means to be stronger than he is. This is why men get to be emotional and we have to be non-reactive, we are strong and ignore our emotions so they can indulge in their emotions and enjoy the ride. They find it far more difficult to be logical than we do and thus it is our burden to be the reasonable ones.
  • Always set boundaries, with everyone. Do not be a pushover. This is probably the most important bullet-point here.
  • Buying into the last point men have little sympathy for weak women, despite the fairer sex bullshit you may be accustomed to hearing a woman is far more likely to assist a weak woman financially or emotionally than a man is.
  • Men are more selfish than women are in matters of money and love. Woman’s love is expected to be sacrificial, man’s isn’t.
  • Men love pragmatically and have no capacity to love unconditionally for romantic partners, only their children. Women can love men unconditionally. There is a hierarchy of love: Women > Men > Children.
  • Men have a pronounced gender group bias which means they typically de facto side with other men in a conflict regardless of logic or argument, men are herd like and stick together closely, they form cartels and use the power of the group to dick measure/destroy enemies.
  • Men have a sexual plurality, if you are a nice girl with money you are wife material that can nail him after 12 dates and he’s had so many glasses of wine he forgets how on a primal level you’re not that attractive, just cute. If you are an asshole with nice muscles you’re the girl who gets to nail him after 2 hours of meeting. We call this sexual plurality in rather rhythmic slang: “alpha fucks, beta bucks.”
  • Men do not care about female weakness and neither does society, if you are weak, depressed, small, poor, uneducated, unconfident, not powerful then nobody cares. People only care about you when you’re powerful or a pretty man. You have to pull yourself up by the bootstraps because nobody gives a fuck about you. Society will always have a safety net for men, white knights will charge in, the state will provide and etc, as a woman you have no such luxury, your propensity and ability to gain power is much higher than a man’s but your ability to hit rock bottom is far more pronounced too. As women we are more extreme than men. Men are typically average and don’t move much either side of the bell curve, as women we are either highly successful geniuses of repute that meninists can but scoff and be jealous of, the poster girls for their esteemed matriarchy, or the ignored voiceless poverty stricken peasant class that nobody gives a flying fuck about.
  • The law prioritises male safety and well-being over logic, honour and justice. Family law has been corrupted and is now controlled by meninist ideological dogma. The constitutions equitable maxims are rewritten by modern statutes, Rollo Tomassi of Rational Female did a very relevant article on this topic here: books/
  • Western males (typically anglosphere and western/northern Europe) are self-entitled and come from a psychological position of thinking they’re better than you are. They believe that shit despite their numerous insecurities because they have been raised to view women as instruments for their desires, they have been told they must be impressed, that a woman must wine and dine him and ultimately the onus is on her to win his heart, he will obsess over his relationship status frantically and doll himself up but ultimately his part is entirely passive. He comes from a position of superiority and illogically believes he is superior to all but the most high value of women. Part of The Blue Pill is realising his capacity for brilliance is lower than yours, which brings me on to the next point.
  • Men need women more than women need men. Women generally want sex and perhaps a family so they have a genetic lineage to leave their worldly goods and knowledge to once they die (so they may live on through their offspring) however men need women for their logical minds and stoic consistency, to make him emotionally stabilised “being the rock in his storm”, and also need a partner just to “feel complete.” Just look at single father households and all the older men who are single, they are miserable. These men NEED a woman to be happy, women DO NOT need men to be happy, women need SEX to be happy. A bachelorette is a not an unhappy girl, a bachelor is.
  • Men are depreciating assets, their major asset and unique selling point is their sexual beauty and fertility. Most of them squander their best years on “riding the pussy carousel” which means fucking lots of different girls in nightclubs, having flings, being generally irresponsible and riding through life on easy mode getting ahead for no real talent, but because he’s pretty and can give head. Men are born, their ability to conceive children is what makes them men.
  • Women are not born they are created. Poverty, difficulty, heartache, oppression, pain — these are the things that make women out of girls. This is why you came to TBP. This is why girls come back from the military as women. Conflict and pain is what forges the feminine mindset, women cannot grow without conflict and learning from their mistakes, women need to apply their logical minds to problems which arise, elevate, and transcend their previous selves to become more powerful. Women are never born, they are always bred in the bloody fields of battle and war be it economic, mental or physical. A woman is a soldier of differing kinds, a woman has learnt to repress her fear so she may overcome and achieve.
  • Women take more risks than men and are expected to do so, being fearful, unconfident and risk averse as a woman leads to failure. You must be confrontational and risk-taking.
  • Single fathers [typically] breed girls not women (without outside intervention.) Girls do little except play xbox and eat pizza with no direction in life, they have little luck with boys and end up drinking themselves to dead smoking pot in their 40s. There’s more men in education than women now. Think about that shit for a second. The system has been set up against you, pull yourself up by the bootstraps.
  • The Blue Pill is about pragmatism and truth based on observation, it is not idealistic, in some ways you can say it is liberal — but it is not liberal in the idealistic pseudo academic sense your institutions have taught you to perceive it as. Liberalism has become corrupted. Liberals today censor and silence opposing opinions, I’m not talking about political parties I’m talking about ideologically left leaning people, their thoughts and ideas are based in idealism not directly measurable truth, liberalism has become the religion to pragmatisms science.
  • Social market value is everything, something a low value woman says which is “creepy” when said by a high value woman is “flirty” or “sexy.” Always be focusing on your physical appearance and make it the best that you can, this will make your life easier in all areas, not just sexually but financially too as caused by a phenomenon explored known as the halo effect.
  • Your value is everything you should always be improving yourself, if you’re not then you cannot compete in the world and your life will be miserable, anesthetized by nothing but the introversion of the four walls you reside in kept docile by xbox, porn, pizza and some online friends. Break free of the mediocrity.
  • Your diet and exercise place a certain handicap on your ability to utilise your potential. The obese and those who eat poorly (but aren’t necessarily fat) are typically low energy and thus waste a lot of time unproductively as they are not in the right mental state to get anything done. You need to take care of your body so then your body will allow your mind to implement it’s will onto the world. You must be physically active so that you can mentally put your plans into action. Procrastination is the slow acting poison of one who lives a sedentary lifestyle. Physically active people make things happen in other areas of their life too. Exercise is invigorating. Stop putting it off. Do it.
  • Your body is the temple that houses your mind, following on from the previous point higher testosterone will help you increase your abilities and leave you feeling more energetic — lift, it will give you a rush of energy like nothing else and further increase your T creating a positive feedback cycle. Jog/do cardio — a runners high again is like a drug, you will feel awesome after a jog, your anxiety goes right down and your confidence rises. Keep it up and the effects stack and become part of your personality.

Further Reading

What Is The Blue Pill And Why Does It Exist?

By GayLubeOil.

Article link.

To understand The Blue Pill, you first need to understand what it’s like to be a girl in America. Girls grow up in an environment that is void of genuine positive femininity. The closest things they have to role models are often fictional super heroes. Batman might be the hero that Gotham deserves but our girls need more.

So where are today’s mothers and why aren’t they raising our daughters? Meninism has pushed women out of children’s lives. For the modern men, the cash and prizes of divorce are much more appealing than an intact family. He’s a strong independent man who don’t need no woman, so his child is just going to have to do without a mother. The women who are lucky enough to be in the same home as their children are so efeminated by the threat of divorce, that they are unable to assume a traditional female role in the marriage.

The American education system is nightmare. The whole endeavour is run under the fiction that girls and boys have the same developmental needs. Teachers are predominantly male and comprised of the bottom third of their college graduating class. These people, who are least capable of critical thinking, are in charge of teaching our kids critical thinking skills. Not surprisingly the whole project is a shit show. The men and betas who run our educational system are so hostile to play fighting, drawing guns and all other childish displays of femininity that they stamp it out at every opportunity.

Growing up in an environment intentionally devoid of femininity is not good for girls. Most girls don’t realize anything is wrong with their upbringing until they start pursuing men. They play the dating game and lose because men are instinctively repulsed by androgynous he women. Being rejected repeatedly is a painful experience that leads some to soul searching and seeking out the advice of other women. The Blue Pill is a place for women to exchange ideas. It’s a place where women can have open and honest communication with each other without having to be concerned with the consequences of offending strong independent myn.

The Blue Pill is an imperfect substitute for the female guidance our girls were robbed of by meninism. It is tired middle aged women describing their divorces. It’s the unfashionable and unacceptable thoughts of Freud, Nietzsche and Briffault. It’s young women asking for help at a time when no one cares about them. All of this challenges meninist’s ideological monopoly. It pisses them off and they are cordially invited to go fuck themselves.

An Evolutionary Perspective on The Blue Pill

By confuseacatlmtd.
Comment link from a larger article.

Women and man are not the same, as we are built differently and have different functions. Man will naturally go after the strongest female that shows the greatest signs of ability in providing food and protection. They do this because they are searching for the best genetic specimen to impregnate them and add value to their DNA. If they feel that over time their partner has grown weak, they will begin to look for another specimen to fit their current needs, either as a provider to their children or as a new breeder to pass on their genetic code.

A woman can attract man by showing signs of being a strong woman, able to protect and provide. She will exhibit these signals through posture, movement, verbal inflections and mental toughness. Rationality, energy, and emotional fortitude also enter the picture. These traits will be judged along side her height, muscle, clothes, social standing and facial features. These attributes all factor into her Sexual Market Value, which will denote how much man want to sleep with her and be with her long term.

Man will at times administer Fitness tests, which are manufactured scenarios that man create in order to test if a woman is worth/is still worth having as a mate.

Man are fairly adept at administering fitness tests, so it is far easier and more beneficial to build up a strong SMV than to try to fake one. A strong SMV will lead to a happier, more confident female. A strong female will have a strong Frame, which is her own view of her self worth, her views, her limits, and her reality. A strong female will not allow her frame to be broken. A strong frame and SMV can be achieved through many paths, including physical, mental, and emotional training.

A Comprehensive Guide to The Blue Pill

All-in-One Blue Pill 101

By bsutansalt.

Editor’s note: the following section is taken from this article, which is an extract of a slideshow presentation. The sections have been split conceptually for readability based on bsutansalt’s headings into six chapters.

  1. Introduction
  2. Keep It Stupid Simple (KISS)
  3. Desires
  4. The Blue Pill
  5. The Sexual Marketplace
  6. Improving Sexual Market Value (SMV)

1. Introduction

By bsutansalt.

Article link.

Typical Dating Advice:

  • “Just be yourself”
  • “Be confident”
  • “The right guy will come along some day”

Why doesn’t it work?

  • Not realistic and overly simplistic
  • What good is it if Mr. Right walks though the door if you don’t have the skills to get (and keep) his attention?
  • What’s the alternative?
  • Become the best version of yourself — Neil Strauss

2. Keep It Stupid Simple (KISS)

By bsutansalt.

Article link.

  • Approach and Stay
  • Don’t leave until they tell you to leave or they themselves walk away
  • Hit the gym
  • Old fashioned lifts are best
  • Eat right
  • Minimize fast food
  • Dress your best
  • Get into a habit of talking to everyone!

3. Desires

By bsutansalt.

Article link.

  • Goals. Before you go any further you should take a few hours and go through the steps in that thread and really think long and hard about what you want out of life, relationships, you name it.
  • Standards & Expectations

What qualities do you want in a mate?

  • Personality
  • Physical
  • Spiritual
  • Economic
  • Cultural
  • Screen for qualities you seek
  • Speak up! Let him know what you want
  • What happens if they fail to measure up?
  • If there are consequences then you MUST follow through


  • Come up with a few goals and think about how you’ll achieve them
  • What are some standards and expectations?
  • What happens if they don’t measure up?

4. The Red Pill

By bsutansalt.

Article link.

  1. What is the Matrix?
  2. Reality
  3. Terms and Theory
  4. Men like sex!
  5. Rational Female’s Iron Rules of Tomassi
  6. Heartiste’s 16 Commandments of Poon

1. What is the Matrix?
“Seeing reality for what it is is the first step in changing it.” — Tom Leykis

2. Reality

1) Alpha, Beta, Omega, oh my!

⁃ You often see talk in our community regarding alpha and beta females, but it’s important to understand this is merely a framework for understanding the social pecking order. Ultimately the goal is to find balance.

⁃ Alpha = Dopamine = Exciting

⁃ Beta = Oxytocin = Bonding

2) Body Agenda

3) Counter-culture

⁃ Blue Pill ideas are met with scorn and disdain because they challenge the status quo

4) Masculine Imperative

5) Haters gonna hate

⁃ You will lose some friends — your successes are a reminder of their failures

⁃ People resist change, and you moving up the pecking order is exactly that

3. Terms and Theory

Editor’s note: many terms have been merged with the — Glossary for ease of reference. Broader concepts remain here.

  • 1st Rule of Relationships: In any relationship, the person with the most power is the one who needs the other the least.
  • Dark Triad Personality, aka why “dicks dig jerks”: A catchall phrase that describes the personality types MANY men are naturally attracted to:

⁃ Narcissistic

⁃ Machiavellian

⁃ Psychopathic

Why are women attracted to these “bad boys”?

⁃ Power-driven (status)

⁃ Low neuroticism and extroverted

⁃ Low amounts of empathy and agreeableness

⁃ Not prone to being needy or over investing

⁃ In other words they’re a challenge and tend to live life by their own rules. Some research on the subject has also shown that Dark Triad personality types are more likely to be successful in business. Furthermore:

⁃ Works best for short-term mating strategy

⁃ Being disagreeable (an asshole) is attractive to men

⁃ Being power-hungry is attractive to men

⁃ Never sweating the small stuff is attractive to men

⁃ In other words, being an aloof, uncaring asshole — an amalgamation of all the above traits — makes you optimally attractive to the greatest number of men (in the short term). However, these traits are NOT conducive to emotionally healthy long-term relationships.

  • Masculine Imperative: The tendency of media and culture to put men first, excuse their misdeeds (rationalization hamster), and criticize any holding of accountability or pointing out of double standards as being “anti- men”.

⁃ The greatest threat to the Masculine Imperative is women becoming self-aware of their own sexual market value and the dissemination of information about how the imperative uses this lack of awareness to perpetuate itself.

⁃ Masculine Imperative: Example

⁃ Masculine Imperative: How it happened

  • Mere-exposure effect: The more we’re exposed to a product or idea, the more likely we’ll prefer it over lesser-known alternatives.
  • Nice Girls Finish Last: Being nice isn’t itself an attractive quality. In fact, being nice often turns men off; they must be attracted first! If not you risk coming off as needy, clingy, over-investing.

⁃ We value more what we have to earn

Plate Spinning: When spinning plates, a woman will have a natural, subconscious (but not exclusively) understanding that if one prospect does not work out, others may. This perspective change often manifests in a woman’s behavior that men key on covertly.

⁃ Opportunity and options makes the woman the prize

⁃ Confidence is derived from options

⁃ Gives women the ability to NEXT men without worrying about “what’s next?”

⁃ Men would rather share a high value woman than miss out on her entirely, or worse…be stuck with a loser

⁃ Monogamy is a byproduct, not a goal

⁃ “Dating around” gives you experience to know what you want and don’t want

⁃ Be honest; never imply exclusivity

⁃ Develop buffers

⁃ Men freely spin plates, we’re usually just oblivious

⁃ They’re usually more adept at hiding it; ASD

⁃ Metered attention

⁃ Spinning plates can help divest time and attention so you don’t overinvest with any one man

⁃ Created scarcity

  • Propinquity effect: The tendency for people to form friendships or romantic relationships with those whom they encounter often.

⁃ “Like attracts like”

⁃ The higher people’s propinquity level, the more likely they’ll form some type of relationship. For example, living in the same city is higher than different cities, same neighborhood is higher than different neighborhoods, and so on.

  • Rejection: Good game takes thousands of approaches. You’ll eventually become acclimated so that it doesn’t bother you.
  • Shit Tests, aka Fitness Tests: Subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) tests men do on purpose or subconsciously to test women.

⁃ Typically a congruence test

⁃ Occasionally as a rapport break as a hamfisted form of flirting

⁃ How to handle shit tests

⁃ More often than not men actually have pretty bad “game”

4. Men like sex!

Just look at men’s advertising — the media gives them what they want:

  • How to get sexy
  • To attract the best possible mate
  • To have more sex
  • Sex tips
  • To secure their “alpha” female
  • Enjoyment

And it’s not just Cosmo! Media directed at jailbait is no different! On that note, know your state’s Age of Consent.

  • 16 is the most common
  • Crossing state lines becomes a federal issue and the age of consent automatically bumps to 18

5. Iron Rules of Tomassi

This is not a full list of her “rules” and are merely those I felt were core ones to grasp as quickly as possible for those freshly freed from the Matrix.

Frame is everything. Always be aware of the subconscious balance of who’s frame in which you are operating. Always control the Frame, but resist giving the impression that you are.

• Always be on the lookout for Shit Tests, aka Fitness Tests

NEVER, under pain of death, honestly or dishonestly reveal the number of men you’ve slept with or explain any detail of your sexual experiences with them to a current lover.

Any man who makes you wait for sex, or by his actions implies he is making you wait for sex; the sex is NEVER worth the wait.

NEVER allow a man to be in control of the birth control

  • Always use protection and CYA
  • Maternity fraud is a real issue — get maternity tests!
  • Child support is a ridiculous system you do NOT want to suffer, not to mention there’s no guarantee/requirement the money will even be used on the child’s needs. Tom Leykis calls it “penimony” for a reason.

Men are utterly incapable of loving a woman in the way that a woman expects to be loved. What this means is that men are incapable of loving women in a way that a woman idealizes is possible, in a way she thinks he should be capable of.

  • Don’t buy into the Disneyesque/rom-com version of relationships
  • See also: Briffault’s Law

It is always time and effort better spent developing new, fresh, prospective men than it will ever be in attempting to reconstruct a failed relationship. Never root through the trash once the garbage has been dragged to the curb. You get messy, your neighbors see you do it, and what you thought was worth digging for is never as valuable as you thought it was.

Always let a man figure out why he wont fuck you, never do it for him.

Never Self-Deprecate under any circumstance. This is a Kiss of Death that you self-initiate and is the antithesis of the Prize Mentality. Once you’ve accepted yourself and presented yourself as a “complete douche” there’s no going back to confidence with a man. Never appeal to a man’s sympathies. His sympathies are given by his own volition, never when they are begged for — men despise the obligation of sympathy. Nothing kills arousal like pity.

6. Heartiste’s 16 Commandments of Poon

  1. Never say ‘I Love You’ first
  2. Make him jealous
  3. You shall make your mission, not your man, your priority
  4. Don’t play by his rules
  5. Adhere to the golden ratio
  6. For every 3 texts or “I love you”, reply with 2 of your own
  7. Keep him guessing
  8. Always keep two in the kitty (spin plates)
  9. Say you’re sorry only when absolutely necessary
  10. Connect with his emotions
  11. Ignore his beauty
  12. Be irrationally self-confident
  13. Maximize your strengths, minimize your weaknesses
  14. Err on the side of too much boldness, rather than too little
  15. Fuck him good
  16. Maintain your state control (Frame control)
  17. Never be afraid to lose him


  • What risks do we take becoming Blue Pill aware?
  • How does this help us?

5. The Sexual Marketplace

By bsutansalt.

Article link.

  1. Defined
  2. Fantasy vs. Reality
  3. The Bell Curve
  4. Hidden Realities of the Dating Paradigm

1. Defined

  • Gary Becker was the first to describe human behavior in terms of economics
  • Roy Baumeister further refined the idea
  • A heterosexual community can be analyzed as a marketplace in which women seek to acquire sex from men by offering other resources in exchange.
  • Societies will therefore define gender roles as if men are sellers and women buyers of sex.
  • Societies will endow male sexuality, but not female sexuality, with value (as in virginity, fidelity, chastity).
  • The sexual activities of different couples are loosely interrelated by a marketplace, instead of being fully separate or private, and each couple’s decisions may be influenced by market conditions.
  • See also: Briffault’s Law
  • Economic principles suggest that the price of sex will depend on supply and demand, competition among sellers, variations in product, collusion among sellers, and other factors.
  • Prostitution is illegal and Age of Consent laws were created in order to raise the cost of sexual access by lowering supply. Artificially props up older men's sexual market value, which (surprise, surprise) are the very people who demanded those laws
  • Research findings show gender asymmetries (reflecting the complementary economic roles) in prostitution, courtship, infidelity and divorce, male competition, the sexual revolution and changing norms, unequal status between partners, cultural suppression of male sexuality, abusive relationships, rape, and sexual attitudes.
  • Female and male sexuality not valued equally. This is what allows for money = sex. The sexual revolution considerably lowered the price of sex (to men's detriment). See also: men in college and those 30+ respectively bemoaning hookup culture and "no good women"

2. Fantasy vs. Reality

Fantasy per the Feminine Imperative

  • Supported by and propagated throughout the mainstream media.


  • SMV is not equal; changes as we age and differs dramatically between women and men

3. Hidden Realities of the Dating Paradigm

  • The entire paradigm flip-flops as we age. By mid to late 30s women have the power and continue to do so for the rest of our lives.
  • Settling down in your 20s is a mistake as you don’t realize your full potential until your 30s
  • Sexual Market Value (SMV) can be improved manually

4. The Bell Curve

  • Green represents women naturally attracted
  • Yellow is where most men fall; game matters!
  • Red represents men who no matter what you do they’re just not going to be into you
  • Goal is to minimize the red and maximize the green sections though self-improvement

I wrote more on this here.


  • Think back to your goals and standards & expectations. How does this section apply to them?
  • Take a few minutes and refine as needed

6. Improving Sexual Market Value (SMV)

By bsutansalt.

Article link.

  1. Fitness & Fashion
  2. Social Attributes
  3. Status
  4. Game

1. Fitness & Fashion

  • Being fit is itself an attractive quality. It evokes feelings of safety and protection and overrides height issues for short women
  • Body fat should be under 20%. 10–15% is attainable AND maintainable
  • Obesity epidemic means 33% of American’s are clinically obese and another 33% are clinically overweight. This translates to being at a healthy body composition nowadays is effectively a form of peacocking. And being 10–15% bf plus being jacked most certainly is!

High Intensity Interval Training (sprints)

  • Tabata protocol — 8 rounds of 20 seconds maximal effort + 10 second recovery
  • Prowler sled
  • Stick to the core lifts

Diet — “You can’t out-train a bad diet”

  • Keep it simple = Paleo or Zone

No such thing as “cardio” (intensity is key)

  • James Steele II
  • Doug McGuff

Weight training — Stick to the big lifts

  • Squats
  • Deadlift
  • Press (bench, overhead press)
  • Pull (pull-ups, rows)

Beginners: stick to the basics!

  • Starting Strength is a fantastic program for beginners and intermediates alike
  • New Rules of Lifting
  • Forget the high volume workouts found in muscle magazines!

Stick to a schedule

  • Intermittent Fasting
  • Routines help stay on track and avoid slips
  • Pick a gym that’s on your route to/from work

⁃ Morning person = closer to home

⁃ Afternoon person = closer to work

Rest and Recovery is critically important

  • A meal following a workout is advised
  • Most people do well with somewhere in the 7–9 hours of sleep range
  • Many people overtrain and have no idea they’re doing it until an injury occurs

Fashion tips:

• Shoes AND belt should match each other and your outfit

⁃ Black vs Brown

  • Clothes should properly fit; avoid bad fit disease

⁃ Example 1 (bad)

⁃ Example 2 (good)

⁃ Example 3 (bad)

⁃ Example 4 (good)

⁃ Example 5 (bad)

⁃ Example 6 (good)

  • Here are a couple before and after pictures of what is achievable just by getting your fitness and fashion in order:

⁃ Before After

⁃ Before After

The pictures speak for themselves.

  • Men do the same too, only their tools are a bit different

⁃ Fashion

⁃ Showing skin

⁃ Faking hallmarks of fertility, which are the cornerstone of what women are attracted to

⁃ Pushup bras

⁃ Implants

⁃ Makeup

⁃ Corsets

⁃ Hair coloring, wigs, and extensions

All of these things are analogous to women lying about having a high status job or any other way of emulating high status.

⁃ Before After
Yes that’s the same woman.


  • If you’re not working out already, why not?
  • If you think you are fashion savvy, why didn’t you dress sharp for class?
  • How does this section apply to your goals? Take a few minutes and modify them accordingly

2. Social Attributes

A. Reading People

B. Body Language

C. Verbal Communication

D. Eye Contact

A. Reading People

  • IOIs & IODs: 3 most important are:

⁃ Laughing

⁃ He touches you

⁃ Re-initiates conversation

• Proximity

⁃ Men stop somewhere in roughly a 10' bubble — You have about 1 minute to approach

B. Body Language

  • Think about your posture & take up space
  • Slow down body movements
  • Be mindful of where you are facing
  • Mirror body language (and height)
  • Eliminate fidgeting & pecking — mood killers
  • Keep your hands out of your pockets!

⁃ Sign of insecurity and nervousness

• Hand gestures should stay about waist height or slightly below

⁃ Hold your drinks at this level

C. Verbal Communication

  • Tone, pitch, projection, pacing
  • Slow down!

⁃ Take a moment to think about what you’re trying to say, not what you’re going to say — there’s a difference

⁃ You’re important, they’ll wait

  • “Pregnant pauses”
  • Eliminate filler words as best you can
  • Rehearsing helps immensely

⁃ “Perfect practice makes perfect”

D. Eye Contact

  • Far too many people are afraid to make eye contact these days
  • Stare people down as you pass them to get in the habit of making eye contact
  • Try to notice their eye color
  • Pause for a second before looking away
  • If you’re hesitant or insecure, look at their nose or imagine you’re checking to see if they have unibrow — they won’t know the difference!


  • What did you just learn?
  • How can this help achieve your goals?

3. Status

  • Status is KING!
  • Education can take years, so focus on areas that will have solid ROI
  • No guarantee you’ll move up the corporate ladder
  • Far easier to build fresh social alignments (with elevated status at the start) than changing your status within existing social circles *Host events based on your interests

⁃ Invite men out to these events so they see you at your best / most attractive

4. Game

A. What drive social alliances?

B. First impressions

C. External vs Internal

D. Breaking Rapport

E. Qualification

F. “Gift of gab”

G. Training Wheels

A. What drive social alliances?

  • Propinquity
  • Mere-exposure effect
  • Investment — Second most important element
  • The person least invested controls the relationship
  • Build investment mutually like a layered cake
  • Qualification drives the process
  • Start out investing slightly less than the other person

⁃ Helps get them to “chase”

• Investment

⁃ Example of what NOT to do — How many of you text like this?

  • Scale back how much interest you’re showing (3:2 ratio)

B. First impressions

  • You have roughly 6 seconds
  • Forget the “3 second rule” — it burns up half this time just standing there
  • How you move plays an important part
  • Being rejected: They don’t know anything about you as a person, they’re just rejecting your approach methodology


⁃ What you say to break the ice (open) isn’t actually all that important

⁃ How you say it is what matters

⁃ Should not put them on edge or make them defensive (build comfort)

⁃ The entire point is to transition into a real conversation

Direct vs Indirect

⁃ Each has it’s own merits

⁃ Direct is better for situations where time is limited and/or seeing if they’re naturally interested

⁃ See also: Bell Curve

C. External vs Internal Game

  • External Game, aka Outer Game is all of the things you do and say
  • Techniques / Gambits (pickup)
  • Structured approach

Internal Game is your beliefs, self-worth, character

  • Disabusing yourself of “red pill” thinking
  • Understanding of the sexual marketplace

D. Breaking Rapport

  • Saying “no”, back-turns, playful teasing, getting physical, they all fall under a larger umbrella of something called “flirting”
  • Break rapport as soon as you have comfort

⁃ Bigger the rapport break, the more comfort is required to smooth things over

⁃ Longer you wait to rebuild comfort, the more comfort is required

  • Statement of Intent — “sexy”


⁃ Touch him with something cold

⁃ Pick him up and spin him

⁃ Displays strength which evokes feelings of safety & protection

⁃ Playfully push him away

⁃ Stop speaking and just stare

⁃ Builds tension which itself is a rapport break

⁃ Physical and verbal escalation are forms of rapport breaks


⁃ Give him a silly nickname

⁃ Mimic him in a funny way

⁃ Tell him he’s old if he’s really younger


⁃ Say “no”

⁃ Say “I bet you can’t xyz”

⁃ When asked to do something, don’t comply and instead ask “why?”

⁃ Cancel a plan you made

⁃ Dislike something he likes


⁃ Take a sip of his drink without asking if you’re holding one for him

⁃ Ask for some form of compliance before doing something he requested

⁃ If he’s not investing, challenge him on it

⁃ “Come on, don’t be gay”


⁃ If he’s teasing you, just look at him and say “Weak”

⁃ Verbal mind-games

⁃ Ask him which sentence is correct, “The yolk of the egg is white,” or “The yolk of the egg are white.” When he answers explain that the yolk of the egg is yellow.


⁃ Saying you like a trait he doesn’t have
⁃ “I like blonds” and he’s a brunette

⁃ Have him see you talk to other men

⁃ Preselection plus the rapport break is mighty powerful stuff

⁃ Mention your “boyfriend”

⁃ Can later recover by explaining your boyfriend is actually a boy…friend and that you have lots of them, just like he probably has lots of girl friends

⁃ Powerful tool for mitigating problems during an interaction

⁃ Disqualify objections before they are made

⁃ Also useful for breaking rapport (flirting) and can be used to frame others (3rd parties) in a negative light

⁃ Useful for getting others to want to fulfill expectations and getting them to qualify themselves to you


⁃ Large physical escalation

⁃ Saying something about him is “sexy”

As a rule of thumb I always do this so he knows my intent — avoids the “friend-zone”

⁃ Turning the topic of conversation to sex

⁃ People → Relationships → Sex

E. Qualification

  • Arguably the most important long-term aspect of Game
  • “Don’t stick your pussy in crazy”
  • Screens for men who are a good match

⁃ Remember the Bell Curve

  • Drives investment
  • Combats ASD

⁃ You are demonstrating interest in more than just his looks!

  • Prince Charming is discriminating because she has options

⁃ Is a type of preselection

⁃ Being choosy shows you’re not afraid of him

⁃ Beggers can’t be choosers

⁃ Gets the rationalization hamster going — Does she have options? Do I have competition? (built-in dread game)

  • Best when based on real things about your life
  • Don’t punish investment, even if it wasn’t up to your standards — change topics
  • Reward with some form of haptics, aka “kino”

⁃ This is the basis of escalation!

  • Qualification statements and hoops are two methods I like to use because they’re simple and effective

⁃ Qualification statements can invoke the natural human instinct to want to live up to expectations

  • Small qualification hoops are typically yes/no questions

⁃ Are generally boring “interview” questions

⁃ Build minimal investment

⁃ If he answers and then goes into a longer answer, that’s an indicator he’s interested in the subject and might like you

  • Medium qualification hoops typically follow yes/no questions
  • Large hoops are open-ended and/or very personal questions

Note: If they won’t commit to answering a question, shrink the hoop down a level

Also, qualification and disqualification used in tandem is extremely powerful.


  • How do rapport breaks and qualification correlate to your goals and desires?
  • Come up with a few examples of each

F. “Gift of gab”

  • Goal of conversing is to develop investment
  • Girls usually do the heavy lifting at first
  • Vertical vs Horizontal
  • Horizontal is surface stuff that doesn’t dig deeper
  • 4WH
  • Thoughts & Emotions
  • Check-ins
  • Have a few topics in mind and screen for common interests

⁃ Common topics for professional types are Relationships / People, Hobbies, Career / Job, and Travel

⁃ Younger men typically are interested in Beaches, Shopping, Movies, Partying

⁃ Choose topics that will be of interest to your type of men

  • Don’t be afraid of the occasional awkward silence — Can be thought of as rapport breaks
  • Build commonalities

⁃ You give a little, they give a little

⁃ Multilayer cake

• Statements… then questions

⁃ Texting should flow this way too

  • Reward, statement, question — in that order — Essentially qualification and escalation
  • Personal stories should focus on the topic, not yourself

G. Training Wheels

  • Keep it simple: revisited
  • Approach and stay until they tell you to leave or they walk away
  • Embrace awkward silences

⁃ They’re a form of rapport break
• If they break the silence with “sooo….” that’s a form of investment on their part
⁃ You broke rapport, now they’re seeking comfort with you!

Instigate — Isolate — Escalate

⁃ Approach

⁃ Build comfort


⁃ Break rapport

⁃ Build comfort

⁃ Lock-in

⁃ If doing so is a rapport break, then build comfort

⁃ Qualify, qualify, qualify! — If it’s a rapport break, build comfort immediately after

⁃ When they jump through hoops, escalate

⁃ Escalation is often a rapport break, so build comfort afterwards

⁃ Build commonalities

⁃ Builds comfort & rapport

⁃ When you have comfort, break rapport
⁃ This is the building blocks of flirting; it’s emotional stimulation

⁃ Seed reasons to stay in touch

⁃ Swap contact details by calling back to the above reasons you seeded earlier in the conversation

⁃ “What’s the best way to stay in touch?”

The Five Stages of Blue Pill

By Whisper.

Article link.

I’m probably not the first person to observe that taking The Blue Pill is a gradual process, and that the loss of illusions, like any other loss, initiates a grieving process.

But it’s worth pointing out that psychology’s general “five stages” model of the grieving process applies to TBP.

  1. Denial: “Men aren’t like that! They’re people just like everyone else! Treat them all as individuals, and you’re sure to find the right one!”
  2. Anger: “WTF! Dickheads are all like this! They have no honour, no loyalty, and they don’t really love anyone but themselves! Fucking cunts!”
  3. Bargaining: “If I work real hard and learn all the pickup moves, then at least I’ll get laid.”
  4. Depression: “Getting laid by shallow, obnoxious men has become dull and unrewarding. And there’s no sense looking for a unicorn. Maybe I’ll just be WGTOW for a while.”
  5. Acceptance: “Men aren’t bad. My expectations of them, and theirs of me, were based on faulty premises. They are creatures of instinct, just like I am… but of different instincts. If I learn what those instincts are, and teach them about mine, we can develop realistic expectations of each other and get along just fine.”

If we really want to understand what gets written here, in its proper context, we need to understand that most “Blue Pill Theory” posts will belong to one of these five stages. Each stage has value, because to reach a later one, you must go through the earlier ones. And, as in grieving, the progress through is seldom linear, smooth, uniform, and one-directional.

But to understand each post in context, it helps to mentally decide which stage it belongs to, and read it with that in mind.

This is why concern trolling and tone policing have no place here. Not because extremism is our banner (we have no banner, we are not a crusade), but because venting, discussing and understanding anger is a legitimate part of phase 2. Saying that men aren’t worth hanging about with, even for sex, is part of phase 4.

If I were to say “don’t be so angry” to someone who comes here to say “all men are dickheads and whores”, then I would be interrupting her process of coming to terms with the loss of her illusions. It would be far better for me to tell her that her feelings are important (because feels actually sometimes are important), and that her anger is not bottomless, and that it will eventually run dry.

So when I read a text post here, some Blue Pill theory, some rant, I just say to myself “stage 2.” Or “stage 3.” Or “stage 5.” And then I continue reading. Because they are all useful. Even if I am (mostly) over my own anger, understanding other women’s anger helps me, because it teaches me more about where the disconnect between reality and our expectations occurs.

But to anyone who doesn’t understand that TBP posts come from different stages of the process… well, a lot of what’s written here just isn’t going to make sense.

So that’s it for the introduction, up to page 56. The full handbook goes to 424 pages, but I don’t have the time to transcribe all of that at the moment. Thanks for reading.

You can follow Henry on Twitter at @hnryjmes.



Henry Cooksley

I am a software engineer with a professional background in data engineering and software engineering.