Metropoly Builds First NFT Market

10 min readDec 5, 2022



The shelter is among the essential needs of every man. A place to call home, a roof over our heads. As basic as this need sounds, it is gradually becoming very expensive to own a home due to various challenges ranging from the hike in the price of houses to global inflation, amongst others. Metropoly builds a ladder which makes it easier to climb through the challenges against the landed property.

Metropoly Profits Users

The landed property industry is made easier to purchase and invest in with Metropoly. Since users satisfaction is primary, they benefit through these ways:

Worldwide Investments Access

In the NFT marketplace, Metropoly is the first that uses advanced technology in addition to the assistance of the Metropoly skilled team to make sure only the best, carefully selected worldwide opportunities are listed on the Metropoly market. This makes the possibility of global real estate investment feasible.

Managing Property

The core principles of Metropoly management are based on sincerity, responsibility, professionalism, and excellent service which ensures the highest return on investment with a straightforward price system withdrawn directly from monthly incomes. Metropoly management system provides the perfect occupant for the property and manages them through the tenancy period. When this is done, your invested property remains insured and then preserved within Metro Ecosystem.

Passive Revenue

Through a monthly rental basis, users receive a totally passive income. Metropoly offers revenue-generating landed property on all assets with expectations for value growth.


Users are allowed to leverage the locked real estate and invest billions in Metropoly lending policy. NFTs can be used as collateral by users who can also borrow NFTs at high rates and retain total possession of their NFTs.

Increase in Value

Assets in short supply and high demand located in famous cities are regions Metropoly focuses on. Hence, a major percentage of the assets on the platform list are either two-bedroom or unattached lodging with an expected rise in value.


In similarity to shares traded in the stock market, Metropoly users use the NFTs fraction to trade. With the application of NFTs and a decentralized network, ownership within REN shares change without paperwork in minutes.

Safety From Inflation

Any investment in landed property is deemed safeguarded from inflation. The reason for this is that as business increases in price, and commodities experience a surge, rents including the cost of houses also increase. These assets can give monthly revenue on growth in cost steadily against inflation to keep you insured.

Security in Long-Term

There is beauty in landed property which is its long-duration nature whereby you keep land for years till the value appreciates. Also every month, revenue can be derived as users await a rise in the cost of the property.
Landed property is a long-duration investment. It means an individual can keep it for years for the cost to meet your standard. Similarly, monthly revenue is given to users while the property appreciates.

Massive Yields

Putting up your landed property at a huge cost is possible since time causes an increase. However, keep in mind that property cost increase is not assured unless investment is made in a good estate.


As you include landed property to your investment list, it adds up, diversifies you, and provides safety from the economic uproar. Presently, due to the recession, cryptocurrency, and stocks are low. But, your portfolio may still rise from land to safeguard you from others.

Why You Choose Metropoli

When you choose to invest in Metropoly, you don’t just invest in a business, you become part of a team. You’ll be able to see how the inside of the platform works and how your investments are helping to build the next real estate industry — and all managed with our proprietary smart contract technology. Metropoly is the first decentralized real estate investment platform that gives everyone access to fractionated income-generating properties without the hassle of traditional real estate investing. In this section, I’ll explain the benefits of using Metropoly and how the platform is changing the way real estate invests — for the better

With Metropoly, you can invest in property without worrying about managing it, paying taxes, or incurring legal fees. Our technology allows you to buy a piece of property instead of buying the whole property, as traditional banks do not offer fractional investments. You don’t have to worry about anything! As long as your investment has income, you collect monthly payments. You can avoid the complications associated with conventional real estate investing by using the direct methods provided by Metropoly to make property investments. This platform brings a positive change in the way real estate investing is done.

The Blockchain ecosystem allows multiple parties to verify transactions without having to go through third-party intermediaries such as banks or government agencies. Instead, each party trusts the cryptographic security of the system to verify the integrity of the data it receives.

Companies and individuals are now finding ways to use this technology in various areas of business, including real estate. There are many advantages to blockchain for real estate, but it’s also important to understand how it works before you start using it.

Metropoly has created an innovative way for people around the world to invest in property using cryptocurrencies and trade them on the open market.

how it works:

when you hold a property as an NFT, you can lend the property to other users for a fixed period of time at a fixed rate or provide funds at competitive rates while retaining full ownership of the asset. Adding liquid assets such as real estate will make it easier for users to borrow money if needed. This feature is an important step towards giving everyone access to fair financial services via blockchain.

With Metropoly, buying real estate is a breeze in just a few seconds! You buy and sell using NFT (non-fungible tokens) which are unique digital goods and cannot be duplicated. You simply select a property from our list and send us some Ether or other cryptocurrency. This platform sends back your NFT and tracks your holdings. It’s really simple!

What is Metropoli?

Metropoly is a blockchain-based real estate investment platform that uses individual Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) as a representation of a single property holding that generates income in a given market. These NFTs are digitized and stored on the blockchain.

In the past, different companies have attempted to digitize real estate investments, but have always failed because they have always tried to rely on one centralized database. This is why Metropoly will use Blockchain technology, which has no central point of failure and allows transactions to be made by anyone at any time — facilitating 24/7 global commerce.

Metropoly takes advantage of the unique features offered by blockchain technology (such as immutability and decentralized transparency). Apart from that, it also uses smart contracts to ensure that all transactions are transparent, fast, secure and accessible worldwide.

With cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin having proven that blockchain technology can be used beyond its original purpose, you can anticipate Metropoly to change the way real estate transactions are conducted in the future.

Metropolis Destinations

The real estate market has long been an investment vehicle for the rich, but most people don’t have the time or money to do it on a regular basis. This is where Metropoly comes in. This platform wants to make real estate accessible to everyone by creating a platform that will allow them to invest in real estate around the world, even if they don’t currently live there.

And do this through blockchain technology and smart contracts, so you can invest with complete trust and confidence in what you put your money in.

With Metropoly, you don’t just make investments; You are building a new future for yourself. You join a worldwide community of real estate investors. You carve out a space for yourself in the most profitable industry in the world, and you make a fortune investing in it. The possibilities are endless when you have the opportunity to work with the richest people on Earth!

Benefits if you Invest in Metropoly

Buying real estate is an exciting and life-changing moment for many of us. It’s also usually very expensive. That’s why Metropoly offers fractional ownership of income-generating properties, allowing investors to own a piece of real estate without the hassle and headache that comes with traditional real estate investing.

Metropoly has introduced a revolutionary way to invest in real estate. By using blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), Metropoly can make it easy and affordable to invest in income-generating properties.

Metropoly offers various types of properties, from office buildings to parking lots. The, you can buy with prices starting from $100. Properties are divided into fractions for investors, and dividends earned from them are automatically deposited into investors’ wallets.

NFT trading is also very easy: if you want to sell your property, you can simply exchange it for someone else who wants to buy — no middlemen, no paperwork, without waiting for your agent to list it for sale on their website. Metropoly combines all the benefits of traditional investing with the advantages of blockchain technology: safe, transparent and convenient.

In the past, most people couldn’t invest in real estate because they didn’t have the money or they didn’t want the hassle of finding a broker or managing paperwork.

How does Metropoli work?

The concept of smart contracts is at the core of Metropoly is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). This type of organization uses blockchain technology to allow participants to make financial and governance decisions on their own, with minimal oversight or interference from others.

When you invest in one of our fractional properties, you are taking part in a new type of market where everyone has a say and can make decisions together. There are no intermediaries and no intermediaries: only people working together for the greater good. It’s like democracy at its best, but with an added layer of blockchain-based security.

That’s why Metropoply calls this type of market a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), and that’s what makes the cryptocurrency market feel more trustworthy than the traditional stock market.

In Metropoly’s property NFT market, smart contracts operate like deals to handle routine maintenance and upkeep tasks in exchange for a fractionated shareholding in the property. When you purchase a Metropoly property, you receive DAO voting rights in proportion to the number of fractions you have in that property.

These voting rights allow you to vote on important decisions about your investment property, such as whether to increase the rent or sell it entirely.

Last Thoughts

If you love real estate investing but don’t have the time, money or expertise to do so, Metropoly gives you the opportunity to invest in any property the team has verified. This platform brings cryptocurrency to one of the most popular investment options in the world — real estate.

With Metropoly, the real estate industry has found a new approach to their business, one that embraces current trends with confidence and optimism.


Metropoly is very concerned about transparency. All listed properties will have a third party valuation report which is regularly updated and made available to investors on the platform. You can always view the estimated market value of your NFT on the listing page, which is based on the most recent valuation report of your property.

With this platform, you can see market data transparently on all available properties in your city. You can view detailed information such as market value estimates, recent updates and other practical analytics to help you make the best decisions about your investments. Metropoly uses blockchain technology to make all aspects of the game safe and transparent for everyone who participates.


Renting private property is always an attractive venture. It’s not for everyone, but for those who want to try it, there are many benefits. The most obvious benefit is the extra cash flow. If you live in a city with a high demand for housing, such as San Francisco or New York City, you must have seen how much landlords can charge for renting a property.

Depending on where your rental property is and how much rent you can charge, it can be very profitable. If you want to diversify your investments into non-traditional assets with high liquidity and low volatility, real estate is the way to go.

The Team Behind Metropolis

The Metropoly team is working hard to create a fully transparent and secure platform that will make the real estate industry much more efficient. As it stands today, the real estate industry is still a very paperwork-intensive business that requires you to spend thousands of dollars in upfront costs before you even have a chance to make any money.

By using blockchain technology, Metropoly can ensure that all transactions are secure and run quickly.


  • Name: Metropolis
  • Symbol: METRO
  • Decimal: 18
  • Tax: No Tax
  • Blockchain: Ethereum
  • Total Supply: 1'000'000'000 METRO
  • Pre-sale tokens available: ETH/USDC/BNB
  • Pre Sale Starts: October 30 3pm UTC
  • Presale Ends: 19. December 15:00 UTC
  • Liquidity Pair: METRO/USDT (ETH)


There is so much to gain with Metropoly real estate innovation. Users are only provided with the best and most productive offers. With metropoly management and the hard tasks, just your $100 grants you entry into worldwide real estate.


Metropoly Website:






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