What is in the shopping carts of rich people?

Han Hoang
3 min readMay 12, 2024
Stuff that rich people usually have (Source: Pexels)

This topic is vast, but let’s break it down into different categories. No matter who you are, whether rich or poor, pretty or not, or healthy or not, we all have the same basic demands. The only thing that’s different is how we go about fulfilling those needs, and that’s how we can tell the difference between different groups of people.

Tech gadgets

Technology is an ever-evolving field that showcases our constant desire for advancement and growth. It is stunning how far we’ve come in such a short period. The downside, however, is that high-quality technology often comes with a hefty price tag. Those with the means to do so usually invest in the latest gadgets: smartphones, tablets, and high-tech beauty devices that have revolutionized the industry. Even something as simple as a toothbrush has undergone a transformation with the advent of electric toothbrushes. It’s fascinating to see how technology has become an integral part of our daily lives.

High quality goods

As a consumer, top-quality products are always a priority. Similarly, manufacturers strive to maintain high standards for their products. But what exactly constitutes a high standard? It’s simple — consider the safety of the production process, whether the product has reputable certificates, the technological advancements used, and the product positioning in the market. Even if someone has an average or decent income, they still want to use the best products. For instance, when there is a demand for buying beauty equipment, people often turn to FOREO, a leading brand in the industry. It holds for those with higher incomes as well — if you can afford the best, why settle for anything less?

Luxury brands

Wealthy individuals, who are typically members of the upper class, are known for their propensity to utilize luxury products as a means of displaying their social status. These luxurious products can be physical items, such as high-end designer clothing, exquisite handbags, fine jewelry, and top-of-the-line vehicles. Additionally, intangible products like first-class travel, luxurious interior design, and VIP services are also used by the affluent class to showcase their wealth.

These luxury products are often associated with high-end brands and are not necessarily known for their superior quality. Instead, they serve as a status symbol. By owning these products, the wealthy can distinguish themselves from others and receive the respect and admiration of their peers.

In essence, these luxury goods are a reflection of one’s social status and are used to signify one’s place within society. For the affluent, these products are an investment in their reputation, as well as a way to stand out in a crowd and distinguish themselves from others.

Gourmet food

Rich folks not only wanna look good but also care about feeling good on the inside. They’re all about that healthy and nutritious grub that won’t mess up their well-being. But, every now and then, they splash out on fancy and rare treats.

They take pride in their appearance and focus on maintaining their health. For them, food is not just a source of sustenance, but also a way to nourish their body and mind. Hence, they prefer eating healthy and nutritious food that is rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

However, despite their focus on healthy eating, they also enjoy indulging in rare and expensive delicacies. These delicacies are not only delicious but also a symbol of their status and wealth. For instance, they might treat themselves to a limited edition Spanish salty pork leg, which is highly sought after and can only be found in specific regions of the world. Alternatively, they might opt for sturgeon eggs, which are considered to be one of the most expensive foods in the world.

We’re not trying to snoop around their shopping carts or anything, but there are some things that rich people usually buy. Obviously, not everyone buys the same stuff since it all depends on their personal taste and what not.



Han Hoang

A story teller, content creator, and digital marketer, I am also an audience. Diving into the marketing world, I draw a line between creativity and reality.