How Does The Teen Patti Game Work? A Well-known 3 Patti Card

5 min readOct 26, 2022

Do you wish to play the well-liked Desi card game Teen Patti but are unsure how to do it?

Don’t worry about it. The whole set of Teen Patti Rules can be found in this article.

One of the most well-known card games in India is the classic Desi game called 3 patti cards. Continue attempting to understand Teen Patti India’s rules and what you should keep in mind.

It is a well-known card game that has its roots in India and is now played all over South Asia. The game is a modified variation of three-card poker called “flash” or “flush.”

Learn the rules and how to play the game Teen Patti.

A 52-card deck without jokers is used for the popular Desi card game Teen Patti, which may be played by 3 to 6 people. Like other poker and rummy games, Teen Patti India begins with the player placing a token. There must be a specified amount that participants are willing to place a certain token before the cards are dealt.

Each player is given three cards face down once everyone has placed their tokens and the total has been added up. The quantity of tokens kept in the pot as a starting point is known as the boot sum. On the table is where the pot is placed.

The next move is to call or raise after the player and the sellers have each been dealt three cards. You should be familiar with these two names if you have ever played poker, a well-liked card game in India among the Desi people. Play to win or lose more than the starting gaming token by raising or calling, respectively. Calling means the player will stay in the game but not add to his token, while raising means the player will do just that.

In any case, it’s crucial to keep in mind that playing teen patti card game, a well-liked Desi card game in India, is different from playing poker. All tokens in the Teen Patti app must be in equal numbers, so if one player inserts two coins and another adds four, the first player must add the additional four coins to the earlier two.

The player who remains in the game to the end of the hand and has the best or most elevated hand wins. As the game goes along, the reward pool increases. The cards are ranked from most vital to least important to make the decision.

Hand Ranks: 3 India’s Popular Desi Card Game Patti Rules
You need to have a stronger hand than the other players in the famous Desi card game Teen Patti, which is played online. The hands in the 3 Patti game, sometimes known as sequences, are ranked from highest to lowest as follows:

Follow or Set (three of the same rank)
In Teen Patti, three cards of the same kind, regardless of color or suit, form a trail, set, or trio. As the top card in this hand, three Aces, for instance, make a trail with one of each of the clubs, diamonds, and hearts.

The same hand rank also includes three Aces of clubs, diamonds, and hearts (A-A-A) on their own. The remainder — Queens, Jacks, 10s — come in second and third, respectively. The lowest ranking are 2–2–2.

either the Straight Flush or pure sequence
Indian players refer to this three-patti sequence or hand formation in Teen Patti Game as the “pakki round.” It is made up of three cards in a row of the same suit. In the classic version of the game, an A-2–3 of hearts, diamonds, spades, or clubs is the highest graded hand in a pure sequence.

A-K-Q is awarded the greatest rank in other instances, though. At the conclusion of the series, 4–3–2 obtains the lowest rank. You should be aware that neither 2-A-K nor K-A-2 are recognized pure sequences.

Sequence (straight or run) (straight or run)
A run or straight sequence in the video game Teen Patti imitates a pure sequence. The hand consists of three cards in a row, all of which are from different suits. The best hand in the classic game is likewise A-2–3.

On the other side, the variant makes it A-K-Q. 4–3–2 is the lowest-ranking hand in the series. The straight sequences 2-A-K and K-A-2 are manifestly unviable.

A color or flush in the Teen Patti game is a hand of three cards from the same suit held out of order. The highest rated hand in this series is A-K-J of spades, clubs, diamonds, or hearts, followed by A-K-10, A-K-9, and so forth. The least desirable color or flush sequence is 5–3–2.

Pair (two cards of the same rank) (two cards of the same rank)
A pair or double in the Teen Patti game is formed by two cards that have the same rank, regardless of color or suit. The best pair for Teen Patti is two Aces of any color or suit. Whoever has the better hand when two players are dealt identical pairs of cards is determined by the value of the odd card.

A-A-K is the highest-ranking sequence, whereas 2–2–3 is the lowest-ranking sequence.

Teen High Card Patti’s high card has the appearance of a flush. The hand is made up of three cards from different suits that are not in any specific order. A-K-J is the best hand, and 5–3–2 is the worst. If two players have the same high card, the higher-ranking hand is determined by the following high card.

Launch the Game
Watch this video to learn how to play Teen Patti before we get into the details. To experience high chances of winning discover the best India’s Online Mobile Games visit this website hobigamespro.




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