1 min readMar 21, 2024

Throughout this period man led a nomadic way of life with hunting of wild animals and gathering of wild plant foods as the chief mode of subsistence. Technology was based on the preparation of tools on a variety of rocks like quartzite and even limestone and siliceous stones like chert and jasper. Depending upon improvements in tool making traditions and to some extent, changes in hunting-foraging methods, prehistoric period is divided into three major phases or stages called the Lower, Middle and Upper Palaeolithic.
All these three stages are dated to the geological period called Pleistocene. In the
early part of the Holocene tiny stone implements called microlith came into
Vogue. This stage is called the Mesolithic. In addition to stone, wood and bone
also began to be used for making tools from the Middle and Upper Paleolithic

Prehistoric stone tools are grouped into two broad categories: tools for heavy
Work (heavy duty tools) and tools for light work (light duty tools). These were

used for a variety of operations such as hunting, digging of roots and tubers,
cutting, scraping, fensing and boring connected with the acquisition, processing
And consumption of animal and plant foods.

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