the critterz is here..
2 min readJun 28, 2022


i’s is callin’ a town meetin’ to fill ya’ll in on some very …uhh alarmin’ stuff takin’ place round here.

right off the bat i’s just gonna say that tha snapshot is gon’ have ta wait for the time bein’... we’s got WAY bigguurr problems ta focus on at thay ..uh moment.

it done seems there here has been an outbreak ‘o critterz ‘n varmints round here since a few days ago.. it’s rubbing me ‘n the rest of the town tha… err wrong way.. ‘n we need to get this infestashun cleaned up the best we can.

any of ya’ll who’s got a hobo and a piece of land will be able to come by later on ‘n pick up a trap ..if ya happen to have multiple hobos ‘n lands i rekon ya could set up more than one trap.

y’all cannot be pikky.. a critter is a critter ‘n you gon’ get what y’all gon’ get usual.. uh what i’s will say though is that there is definitely mo of some critterz than otha critterz.

we’s is preparin’ the last of the trapz for ya’ll’s.. ‘n you’ll have 2 days to pick ya traps up as soon as we’s ready.

too dam lazy ta read:
· 1 hobo + 1 land = 1 critter trap
· 2 hobo + 2 land = 2 critter traps
· 3 hobo + 3 land = 3 critter traps, etc.
· a critter trap will catch 1 critter each
· claiming link will be announced via twitter
· snapshot will be utilized at a later time

..i’m done sick ‘n tired of this medium shmedium.. see ya’ll’s back on the twatter

shop for hobos
shop for land



6,900 hobos livin’ on the ..errrthereum blokchayn ..don’t got much but we got eachotha 📦