Experience Seamless In-app Communication the ‘Hobu’ Way!

3 min readNov 6, 2019


The process of communication has seen a drastic change over the years; from hand-written letters to instant texting, the way people communicate has become effortless and swift! Delay in getting a message delivered, or waiting for a response is no longer the part of the communication process. So customers today are expecting the same from their service providers!

According to a survey conducted by Hubspot, over 80% of buyers demand a quick response time (less than 10 minutes) from their vendors. This makes it easier for the users to complete the task that they intended to within the app. Gathering from that, growing businesses are integrating options like chatbots and live chats to cater to the needs of customers for instant communication. Live chat renders real-time interaction with potential users; it enhances user engagement by allowing the user to get their queries answered without really pushing the user to switch to a different platform or to a third party messenger for the support!

The consumer satisfaction rate of the live chat is 92%, which is the highest among all the channels.

Downsides to the current customer mechanisms

Currently, the market relies on third-party messaging apps to communicate with the users, which might not be an ideal business communication channel.

  1. Monitoring the analytics system on third-party messaging apps is difficult and provides very limited access.
  2. When massive users communicate through external messengers, the chances of them skipping the services or switching to another tab are higher.

All these factors indicate, incorporating a real-time chat feature would be beneficial not only for the service providers but also for the customers. Real-time chat feature offers not just an innovative user experience, but also ensures better user retention!

How in-app communication mechanism beneficial for service providers?

As observed earlier, customers favour the modern communication approach in comparison to traditional modes of communication like emails (wherein the response rate is lower). Count the number of instances when you have lost customers because, they didn’t get a response from you in time, or failed to get a clear idea about your quotations or schedules. Integrating an in-app chat feature ensures seamless conversation and precise information. Other merits include:

>Flawless & Smooth User Experience
>Improved Marketing
>Higher Conversion Rate
>Dynamic Outreach

Hobu’s in-app chat feature

Convinced about the benefits that the in-app chat feature can provide for your business? If so, Hobu provides mobile tools for service professionals that enable them to have real-time request availability, customer communication & seamless invoicing. Hobu’s in-app chat option allows the vendors to connect with their customers in real-time, provide them with quotations, and also in scheduling an appointment. Hobu’s believes that the path of progress is determined not by how many technologies are used, but by how well they are utilized together!

Hobu is one stop shop for customers and also for the service providers. Any activity that ought to be carried out, be it quotation, scheduling or invoicing for the vendors; or searching for a service professional, communicating directly with the service provider, or even customizing the task in hand by the customers, Hobu takes care of it all. It is an independent platform which caters to the needs of customers and provides them with seamless user experience & also alleviates the challenges faced by service professionals without the help of any third party app!

