The Guest within My Villa

5 min readOct 14, 2020


Unbeknown to her were my echoing footsteps upon the cold pale stone floor of my Villas lounge. I approached her slowly as I did not want to spoil nor rush the beautiful captivating sight that befell upon my eyes as I gazed upon my dutiful guest.The air was warm and a gentle breeze from my open patio doors felt pleasing across my shirted back, with perfectly polished shoes poised to carry me towards this petite petal of posturing calmness, I made my way towards her.She was laid out naked upon a padded table of black leather. She was bounded at her wrists, ankles and across her thighs. Her knees pointed upwards towards the unlistening heavens and her hands were tide together and stretched out above her head. Her short dark blonde hair tucked neatly under her head by the elastic nylon of her large dark blindfold. Tunes hymned into her mind from my large earphones that I had placed on her 27 minutes ago. Her world for this time had been a warm dark safe affair with some of her favourite music to wash over and calm her restrained body.The iPod sat just above her head, it was one of classic design that I have had for many years and I am sure it will continue to serve me for many years to come. As I got to the head of the table I placed a single finger upon its dial and softly rotated it until the volume had been turned down, almost to the point of it being completely inaudible. Just soft whispers of music were all she could hear as now my presence was heard in a much loader capacity.I ran my fingers along her shoulder as I continued to walk around the table, I am sure she could now hear my footsteps as her body language began to change from restrained but rested to restrained and restive. Her skin felt so smooth, she had clearly been following the moisturising schedule I had given her last month. I oft find softer skin always makes for a more sensitive touch and responsive reaction.I ran my fingers along this silk clad mortal of heavenly beauty for a while longer. I took them along her side and headed downward, I gently glided across her breast and down her stomach. Whilst moving from her nipple to her belly button I gradually lifted my fingers until I was then tracing her body with my nails, small faint red marks began to show up across her pale skin. Continuing to claw I then headed back up and across her nipple once more, this time with an increase in pressure. She let out a slight moan as I lifted my hand and walked to the rear of the table so that my belt buckle was just a few inches away from her parted legs.Both my hands were now running along the inside of her thighs, just a delicate touch once more, no clawing, just massaging. As they made their way downwards my thumbs briefly met in the middle, they clipped and very nearly pinched the top of her ever wettening pussy. Once I had felt enough of her skin between my thumbs I instantly parted them and sent them back up along her thighs. More soft moans were now leaking from her lips as my hands continued to massage and tease.I lifted off both of my hands and proceeded to roll up my sleeves, the sound of my silver cuff links dropping to the floor as I carefully and precisely folded up my shirt sleeves left my guest gasping in anticipation.Once my arms were removed of their cotton bondage I then leaned across her body and placed my thumb upon her throat, I sat just underneath her chin whilst the rest of fingers wrapped them selves around and to the side of her neck. With small pressure applied I now had her gasping once more but this time for a very different reason and one upon which I had total control of.I leaned in and placed my lips over and around her bottom lip, upon feeling my lips she lost all control of her self and instantly tried to initiate a kiss.This disrespectful showing of a total lack of self control forced me to immediately remove my lips from hers. If we were to kiss it would be of my initiation and not hers, I would kiss when I wished to and where I wished to. With this in mind I then placed my hand over her overly eager mouth and ensured that I covered her nose also. I could see and feel her back instantly arching upwards as her deprived lungs ached for redemption.I then moved my head across and put lips over her nipple, ‘my choice of what to kiss’, I thought to myself.With a soft suck I was able to pull her nipple and lifted both it and her surrounding skin up just before I released it. I then circled its erecting form with my tongue a number of times before placing my lips upon it for one last kiss. At the same I lifted my hand off of her mouth and nose, strong gasps, desperately clawing for air and with that I quickly wrapped my fingers around once more in an identical smothering placement.Her head moved slightly as I could feel and hear her muffled moans from beneath my clasp.I softly clawed at her chest as her back arched once more, I placed a stronger pressure upon her skin, my nails digging into her skin and pushing against her attempted raising body. I ran my nails, leaving darker red marks this time, along her thigh and then back up and along the inside of her arm. I could feel her body moving with greater intensity this time, her relinquished asphyxiation was but only a brief encounter and so her body was hungry for oxygen. But from all the stimulation of my touch she was now also hungry for sensual satisfaction, I oft enjoy the teasing of others but I must admit that at this point I too were hungry for the taste of her lips. So I swiftly hovered my mouth just above my hand, I unwrapped my fingers, moved it to the side and allowed her mouth to gape in euphoric breath. Within an instant my lips were upon hers and we kissed for the first time that day, though it would not be for the last…

