HODL St: Building on Blockchain’s Success

3 min readJun 15, 2018


A game built on a passion for solving real-world problems, gaming nostalgia, and the Ethereum blockchain.

An online city-building game akin to the timeless Sim City, HODL St is an opportunity to build, buy, and sell online property using the Ethereum network to secure land and property ownership through Smart Contracts.

“If blockchain wants to battle problems in third world countries where over 70% of people have a tenuous title to their land, we need to educate in a way that attracts interest and interaction.”
— Tim Broxup, Marketing Director

The HODL St team shares a passion for applying blockchain technology above and beyond cryptocurrency; using the nascent tech to solve issues like land ownership disputes growth nations.

HODL St aims to do this with a vibrant and interactive world anyone can pick up and play with any device or browser.

Property options for the discerning investor.

Registration of interest and account creation is open up to the public at hodl.st where users can log in, build a profile, and set up their ETH wallet. Potential business investors can also source the project’s whitepaper; where they can learn more about the team, roadmap, and opportunities to secure bespoke, branded buildings.

HODL St will deliver an immersive experience for property owners and public visitors to explore choose their land, the type of property they want, and start interacting with the community of online investors.

The team will also be launching a Land Grab for registered users to secure as many of the 3,846 blocks of land as they want Users who want to be updated on the Land Grab can register for the HODL St Post to receive updates on events, updates, and in-game features.

Corporate investment options

“This project has been an incredible opportunity to work with global talent who can fuse a passion for blockchain technology with isometric design.” — Digital Design Team, Andrew Vohmann & Keith Margus

The design team has been working nonstop to produce a unique set of property illustrations to engage a new audience and demonstrate the benefits of blockchain technology beyond Bitcoin.

Moving forward, HODL St will be offering a selection of opportunities for building constructions and updates. Landowners will be able to develop their properties from land, to residential, commercial, and business.

“This is such an incredible opportunity for us to develop a cross-platform application; users are now able to engage with transaction data and learn how peer-to-peer networking demonstrates protection of rights through immutable records.” — Aaron Magon, Technical Director

For any enquiries, reach out to the HODL St team at hello@hodl.st




A truly unique city-building game with it's foundation secured by blockchain technology - www.hodl.st