HOT Black cat I’m mostly peace love and light and a little go fuck yourself

3 min readJun 27, 2020

We must have heard legends about black cats and the ominous signs they have brought. Although not in Vietnamese culture, many people also formed the idea that this animal brings bad luck when encountered.

Buy it here: Black cat I’m mostly peace love and light and a little go fuck yourself

Someone had met a black cat running past, half believing half of that legend and on Yahoo asking if it was true that the black cat brought bad luck. So this article will help us resolve those concerns.

The answer is all in the word “culture”.
The black cat in science is simply a cat with black fur. The muscle of that color is entirely pigmented, and up to 22 cats have black fur. Usually, the amount of pigment that produces black fur in male cats is greater than that of female cats.

The bad reputation for black cats originates from Western culture. In Western history, black cats were regarded as a symbol of ominousness and evil. In most European countries, they embody misfortune. A black cat running across the street means that something bad will happen, even if someone dies.

According to medieval European culture, black cats also have the ability to transform into human form and act as a spy for witches. And the black cat’s skull was used by witches to prepare poison.

Or buy it here: Black cat I’m mostly peace love and light and a little go fuck yourself

From there, people began to see black cats as a sign of Satan. The devout European community at that time was always suspicious and considered the black cat to be a part of the evil arts, related to the devil. And so the black cat became an outcast, anyone involved with them was punished or executed.

Not all black cats are … “black”

If viewed from other cultures, the vision for black cats is the complete opposite. Like the ancient Egyptians, the image of the Bastet goddess with a head shaped and similar in color to the head of a black cat has somewhat reflected the position of this animal in ancient Egyptian culture.

And the Egyptians are extremely devoted to cat worship, in part because of their ability to hunt. Rats, snakes and some other harmful crops that humans hate so much are easily solved by cats.

In addition, cats raised in aristocrats have an extremely regal life: inlaid all over gold, and eat in the same place as him. Even when dead, it is still marinated




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