HOT Support your local farmer poster

4 min readSep 4, 2020


Today, more than ever before the dangers of global destruction, humans have found enough ways to protect species, preserve the diverse existence of nature, protect life on Earth. Efforts to reduce the greenhouse effect (which is one of the causes of global warming), environmental organizations, funds to protect extinct animals and plants, protect Habitat protection is established and active everywhere.

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News of natural disasters are almost every day in the media: severe storms in the US, terrible cold spells in Russia, earthquakes in Japan, wildfires in Indonesia and Australia, drought in Tan Ghine and in the Philippines, storms in Vietnam, floods in Bangladesh, flu in Hong Kong, mad cow in England…. It seems that more and more natural disasters are pouring over our heads mercilessly and sometimes we feel helpless before it.

But it is also necessary to be fairly recognized that humans themselves are also the most brutal causes of the destruction of the green planet by consciousness or unconsciousness. The destruction of forests, the habitat of wildlife, the green lungs of mankind is also happening with an equally dizzying rhythm. So far, humans have destroyed 95% of Asian primitive forests for timber for cultivation and are moving to destroy the Amazon forests in South America, forests in Africa … while the Amazon forests produce 1/3 of the oxygen. For the whole world, the rate of deforestation is still increasingly fierce. According to WWF in 1997, people burned 2 million hectares of Amazon forest, 17 thousand hectares of Colombian forests, 2.4 thousand hectares of Kenian forests, 2 million hectares of Indonesian forests, and 0.5 million hectares of forests in Australia …

To have a forest system and the amount of oxygen needed for life in the atmosphere today, nature takes billions of years to work, but to destroy people themselves only takes a few years. Therefore, the question is posed now: Will man dare sacrifice his own selfish interests, his own nation’s right to save the earth’s greenness for our eternal descendants? to continue to exist for the better and better of the planet, still green?

To answer that question, it is necessary to have a green revolution, socialize the entire people to participate in afforestation on the basis of promoting national cultural traditions, reducing the greenhouse effect in Vietnam and around the world.

The above data and analysis show that it is necessary to have a radical green revolution around the world between the specific consciousness and actions of all humanity to protect the living environment for thousands of generations and children. the land forever endures … Only consciousness, collective strength of all humanity can protect our living environment, now, urgently … and quickly, not too late … United Nations, continental organizations, governments of countries, social organizations, cities, districts, towns, villages … and everyone on earth must unite and join forces. , unanimously to protect their own living environment.

It is the need for a green revolution around the world and very concrete actions about it. With all my enthusiasm and responsibility for the environment to live with humanity, applying Ho Chi Minh’s ideas creatively in the Vietnamese revolution, I propose the initiative: “Protect the environment with the green revolution. To socialize the entire people to participate, plant trees for afforestation in order to minimize the greenhouse effect on the basis of traditional ethnic culture (not using state investment capital) in Vietnam and around the world “.

I hope my initiative contributes to making Vietnam on the East Coast increasingly beautiful and with the best environment under the tropical climate and through this initiative to help all humanity love each other more, respect for a more living environment, live in a peaceful, prosperous and enduring world.

Seen more at: Support your local farmer poster




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