New Title: UFOs in the White Mountains of New Hampshire: Hidden in Plain Sight by John Sullivan, ATA, BA, MA

Hofundur Authors
12 min readOct 19, 2022


John Sullivan, a former Naval Officer and Supervisory Licensed Psychiatric Technician, has written a book that promises to be a seminal work throughout the UFO community.

This book, UFOs in the White Mountains of New Hampshire: Hidden in Plain Sight, being released October 21, 2022 by Hofundur, in addition to a profoundly researched contextual history of UFO phenomenon from ancient times to the present, including alien contact, government cabals, and the varying conspiracies that have sought to keep information from the public, Sullivan also includes a primer on taking photographs of UFO phenomena without risking arrest, fines, detention, or other repercussions that can occur when UFO researchers and enthusiasts try to sneak into government restricted areas.

The book reveals what kind of places UFOs frequent, while also identifying specific sites and areas in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, his home territory.

Hofundur: How did you first become aware of UFOs? Was it science fiction as a kid? Movies or TV? News and controversy about Roswell?

Like most of my generation, we grew up during the late 1950s and early 1960s, and there were mostly only black and white TVs. We received two channels where I lived in a little Californian agricultural town of Watsonville in the Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay Area. Consequently, we kids watched pretty much the same programing. All the boys and plenty of the girls watched science fiction shows like The Outer Limits, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, The Twilight Zone, and of course the outstanding original Star Trek series on TV. These featured outer space aliens, UFOs, and space travel as a matter of course. It was the “Atomic Age” of the 20th Century, and we early 1960s kids anticipated an unlimited future in the 21st Century — of tall futuristic buildings — we’d all be living in high in the sky — driving speedy air vehicles instead of earth-bound cars; this seemed possible, given we viewed the future 21st century via the popular kids’ cartoon show about a futuristic family called The Jetsons…anything seemed possible. This was only supported by my parents telling my sister and me that UFOs were real, and my mother proceeded to tell my sister and me about the Betty and Barney Hill abduction story. My Father, who was a WWII Navy Veteran who flew planes, told me privately later that aliens and UFOs were truly real (I figured he knew, being a WWII pilot), and that I’d probably live to see them. Finally, our family like all the others in the community watched NASA’s Mercury Program with American astronauts blast off into space in space capsules, akin to the oceanic diving bells of old, although these were the most sophisticated scientific and technical space vehicles of that time, requiring gigantic missiles to lift them into space, beyond Earth’s atmosphere and gravity. If those could reach space, we thought, why couldn’t others in the universe reach us?

Hofundur: What is your background in terms of growing up/work, and how did that prepare you for broaching both this subject and your first sighting?

I have a long history in the military, but before that I was always rather independent, left home at 16, and my high school principal had the insight to see I was precocious and genuinely bored. I was living as an adult, paying my own bills, and hanging out with people older than I was. He arranged for me to start attending junior college in my senior year of high school at nearby Cabrillo College in the Soquel area. I found myself surprised that I had received good grades because of my interest in things like the role of the planet’s global plate movements in association with earthquakes and continental drift in geology.

Wanting more, and knowing I had to support myself, I looked at what the military services could offer me, although the Vietnam War was still going on. In short, I was offered Air Police School by the U.S. Air Force and two Navy Technical Schools offered the mental health field job of Licensed Neurology and Psychiatric Technician after I got out. Both services also offered me the GI Bill for college expenses. I did my 4-year hitch and did some time in the Naval Reserve, too, leaving as an E-5 or Petty Officer 2nd Class Hospital Corpsman. I passed the State of California Nursing Board Exam and soon went to work managing assaultive/combative behaviors at acute care county mental health units, private psychiatric asylums, state hospitals for dangerous forensic psychiatric and developmentally disabled patients, drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities, and a state hospital for the criminally insane…all in California.

In terms of education, on the GI Bill, I received a bachelor’s degree at St. Mary’s College of California majoring in Health Care Administration. Reentering the Navy afterward as an Ensign, I had my initial training in Newport, Rhode Island. I had a variety of assignments in the Navy, one of the most rewarding in experiencing the very rich culture of Okinawa, Japan. As a Navy medical logistics company’s Executive Officer, serving in Japan with the U.S. Marines, I had short-term assignments to Hawaii, the Philippines, South Korea, and lesser known points of interest, supplying Marine Units going on Battle Readiness Exercises with medical supplies and equipment to build up field hospitals and Navy hospital companies (similar to Army MASH (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital units). I was also assigned collaterally as control for medications (including narcotics and other controlled medication) for up to 30,000 military personnel. (Note: Despite all the hype about Navy Seals, when it comes to fighting and conventional weapons’ mass engagement of the enemy, the U.S. Marines in my estimation solely remains the best traditional fighting force our nation has.)

My next assignment was as a Division Officer on the U.S.S. John F. Kennedy CV-67. I liked the job for the first year and a half, going on major cruises with its battle group of “small boys” destroyers, cruisers, and others. I got to see and visit GITMO (Guantanamo Bay, Cuba), including the passage of a Soviet-Union Russian Destroyer off the coast near the base while there. The Navy experience also allowed me to travel in Israel, Tunisia, Egypt, and Turkey. I held two high security clearances and watched flight operations whenever I could. So, I was very familiar with jet platforms, their contrails, and the types of weapons they carried. I also had developed excellent research habits, earning a Master’s degree from Webster University of St. Louis, performing research to produce directives, statistical reports based upon research, and doing research to develop standard operating procedures (S.O.P). I also had to learn the Uniform Code of Military Justice, as I was also assigned as an Officer in Charge of two Navy Medical Clinics serving Naval and Marine Corps personnel at two major Marine Corps bases in Japan. As an Officer in Charge, I had non-judicial punishment authority over all my junior subordinates. In short, I learned many ways of how to find things out, including in having performed a Congressional investigation.

I left the Navy as a full Lieutenant with an Honorable Discharge and was promoted in the Naval Reserve to Lieutenant Commander. I finally transferred to Sacramento State Prison, a maximum-security state prison, eventually retiring from there.

Hofundur: So you had security clearances and were trusted by the government before you retired.

I am no spokesman for the Federal government or the Navy…but there was too much evidence that there were secrets, including investigations, that the military didn’t want people to know — which was also supported by stories told by my father and others who had been in the military.

Hofundur: What was your first experience with such unexplained phenomena?

My discovery about UFOs came about by accident while my wife and I were researching the activities of unmarked geoengineering jets flying over the Coos County area of New Hampshire in early March of 2020. I think that my many experiences with human nature, coolness under extreme stress or pressure that comes from the military — and dealing with psychiatric patients and the criminally insane (inclusive of insults, psychological harassment, and violent mentally ill people trying to seriously injure or kill those of us who worked with them in a secured, clinical environment) — combined with a love of research, and a unique background in practical application of science, gave me ample tools for research and writing about the subject of underexplored phenomena. If you’re trusted to do a Congressional investigation, you’re used to asking the unasked questions. And finally, a love of photography made that a natural progression in terms of evidence. I was returned to a sense of wonder and awe I have not felt since I was a boy.

Hofundur: How did you go about finding out further information about what you had seen? What were the obstacles?

It started as we watched and took photographs of the white cloud-like aerosols trailing for miles behind these unmarked jets. These aerosol columns slowly expanded horizontally for miles, changing our cloudless and previously cobalt blue and clear skies to a smoggy, smoky mess like we’d see in the skies of San Jose, Sacramento, or Los Angeles, California. Furthermore, after three hours, these smoggy aerosols extended to all compass points of our horizon as far as our eyes could see. It was in fact so thick that we could look directly at the sun, which at mid-day was west of our house, without encountering any blindness from its brightness and glare. Some of these pictures are in this book. We prepared a letter and copies of our photographs to send as a package to California ecologist [redacted] in the Mount Shasta area of California, for his outreach programs about the impact and damage to people and the environment, as a result of these jets potentially spraying aerosols of aluminum particulates and other chemicals over our heads. This scientist has pilots, scientists and other witnesses suggesting these jets are degrading the atmosphere and affecting the warming and change in the high stratosphere of our planet. Given military and corporate cooperation in testing various chemicals and substances, it was a concern. The bottom line is that there will be little cooperation when it comes to various phenomena. They count on confirmation bias and misdirection when they are operating covertly. It leaves the rest of us, including people like me — who has worked with psychiatric patients and the criminally insane — while also having been around the world — to know that much isn’t as it appears. You do what you can, seek scientific evidence, and use a critical eye. When something is unusual, and you find something you don’t expect — and are genuinely surprised when you figure nothing can surprise you anymore — you pay attention. I’m presenting possibilities where I’ve seen something I can’t explain, knowing that it will be doubted by some and embraced by others. In this time of extremes, people should still be willing to ask questions and research the answers.

Hofundur: Is this why you go into history with the book — including UFO history?

I was fascinated by the history — ancient sources, Native American stories…but even in the 20th Century we knew something was going on. I already knew of and had read about the “Foo-Fighters” of WWII that British and American pilots (as well as the Germans) had encountered over the skies in Europe. The Americans and UK fliers called them “Kraut-Balls” and described the same craft about 1000 foot in diameter, circular balls of green, orange, or white plasma they encountered in the skies of Europe. I had also heard that these same green plasma-like craft had shown up in 1947 precisely at the Trinity test site in Los Alamos, New Mexico, where the world’s first atomic bomb was test-detonated in July of 1945. I figured that the atomic bombs tested, and the other two used against the Japan during WWII (Fat Man and Little Boy) together comprised the key events that could have gotten the attention of any other life form that had been talked about by serious academics, scientists, and and others before it became necessary to take control of the narrative. These facts led me to investigate the key scientists of the Manhattan Project and the history of the atomic and H-Bomb development and tests. I next discovered the work of Army Colonel Philip J. Corso, who wrote a book titled The Day After Roswell. As he was getting older and closer to death, he provided a treasure trove of information, including about two apparent UFO crashes in early July of 1947. Further, he revealed that a top Army Air Corps general who became a leading U.S Airforce general [when the Army Air Force became its own branch as the U.S. Air Force], in 1961 turned over all the crashed debris that had been collected by the Army Air Corps men to Colonel Corso’s safekeeping, directing him to begin covertly farming the items it out secretly to U.S. civilian manufacturing corporations, which regularly contracted to do project work for the U.S. Government. They just weren’t told where the items had come from. Next, Colonel Corso was to challenge them to see if they could reproduce the same kind of item [through reverse engineering].

From this point I also researched the major conflict that had occurred between Edward Teller (the “Father of the Hydrogen Bomb”) and J. Robert Oppenheimer, finding further information about concurrent purported UFOs and the cover-ups. Additionally, this was supported by former Canadian Minister of Defense, Paul T. Hellyer, who was the first Cabinet-level member of a democratic government to openly state that UFOs were not only real, but, according to him, as common as the jet airliners flying over our heads on any given day. He also expressed dismay over the refusal of the American military to reveal to the public that UFOs may indeed be real.

Hofundur: Periodic releases of “unidentified” craft are thought by some to either reveal information slowly and/or or to exploit interest in UFO phenomena, including advocates of UFO conspiracies, for their own purposes. What are your thoughts about this?

Remember: the government likes to collect information — it doesn’t like to reveal or disseminate it. But that’s true of private interests, too. Both operate in their own best interests. The public interest is secondary. We do know there is a technology, for instance, which proves the ability to harmlessly draw out and take energy from the immediate environment around it with the capacity to power all energy needs for free. It may be in the public interest, but it’s not in the interest of those advocating obsolete, dangerous, and polluting resources of energy like gas, coal, oil, and the most dangerous of all, nuclear energy, which we know has not always been safely harnessed. Truly clean energy like solar, wind, geothermal, and others — ways of working with Nature instead of ravaging it — along with newly discovered energy sources that are safe — apparently are not nearly as lucrative, according to those private interests who currently in charge of financing our politicians. This is not conspiracy — it’s fact.

Hofundur: So this is the kind of book, featuring the questions and evidence about UFOs, is perhaps a springboard to ask what other facts and advances — from whatever source — are being hidden from the public?

The evidence is there — and it makes sense if you know how government and private interests work. UFOs are just one case where honest interest exists, and there is evidence that we don’t know everything we should — and this has been true for a very long time. Power includes the capacity to keep certain secrets — and keep everyone else in the dark. That is why I’m asking questions and offering my own research. To know more, you have to read the book…


UFOs in the White Mountains of New Hampshire: Hidden in Plain Sight will be available internationally starting on October 21, 2022. Signed copies may also be ordered via Hofundur.

About the Author:

John Sullivan, ATA, BA, and MA, is a former Enlisted Navy Hospital Corpsman (E-5) and Vietnam Era Veteran, former Reserve Naval Officer (0–4), and Psychiatric Nursing Supervisor who worked with criminally insane people in maximum security state prisons, forensic patients in state hospitals, acute care county mental health units, developmentally-disabled and psychotic residents in a state hospital, as well as private psychiatric asylums in his varied career. His U.S. Navy service has ranged from serving with the U.S. Marines to being a Division Officer on an aircraft carrier. He has traveled extensively through Western Europe, the Middle East, Cuba, North Africa, Latin America, and Asia both in the military and as a civilian. He enjoys kayaking, Harley motorcycle riding, and treasure hunting for old coins with metal detectors both on land, and under water (Scuba-Diving), and of course photographing moose and UFOs. He is retired and lives in the White Mountains of New Hampshire with his Wife Sydney and their black and tan dachshund, Angus.

