How to Safely Remove Malware From Your Android Phones?

Apoorv Srivastava
4 min readJun 14, 2022


Removing viruses and malware from an android phone is not as simple as it may look. Let me tell you how to remove them properly.

A smartphone held in hands showing a green colored skull and bones symbol.
Source: Wikimedia

Your android phone is perfectly capable of handling almost all sorts of virus and malware attacks on its own so long you do not visit or download from, dubious URLs and links.

Again, you DO NOT need to download unnecessary anti-virus apps.

Still, it seems that many new Smartphone users obligatorily feel the necessity to install at least one antivirus software.

It’s fine if that’s how you feel but they don’t do much when it comes to any real threat.

One-click phone scans from such software only check the most common viruses and malware infections, not the new and more powerful ones hackers use if they target you.

Before moving forward with the proper malware removal guide, here are a few pieces of advice that you MUST follow under all circumstances.

So you never have to use this guide in the first place.

· Don’t click on any pop-up ads, ever!

· Uncheck “Install from unknown sources” in Settings.

· Don’t install apps or download from links you are not sure about.

· Don’t download apps from anywhere but from authorized places like Google Play Store.

· Don’t grant illogical permissions after installing apps, even from legit places (i.e., A calculator has no need to get access to your contacts).

· Don’t go on shady websites.

How to Know Your Android Phone is Ridden With Malware?

If your android phone is crashing suddenly, gets hot even when not in use, or you notice small amounts of money being deducted from your account or you feel it is working odd in any sense, there might be a malware infection.

Now you can do three things once you confirm the malware attack.

  1. Seek a Tech Professional.
  2. Buy Genuine Malware Removal Software (i.e. Malwarebytes).
  3. Or use this method to remove it yourself.

How to Remove Malware From Your Android Phone

Step 1.

Open up the android device in safe mode. Here’s how to do that.

  • Switch off the phone. Then switch it back on.
  • When the animation of the opening process starts, press and hold the volume down and the power button together.
  • Keep at it till the safe mode opens. You will see “Safe Mode” written at the bottom screen

2. Once in safe mode, go to Settings.

3. Then click on App Management.

4. And finally, on the App List.

5. Now try to remember which of these apps you didn’t install yourself. Which one’s the odd one out?

Source: Cloudwards

6. Uninstall it.

Source: Cloudwards

7. Restart your phone normally to see if the malware is gone.

Since in safe mode, you can load up the operating system of your device without any third-party apps installed, so you can catch the culprit easily!

Important: If the malware has enabled itself as a device admin in your phone, it then can’t be uninstalled. You’ll then have to go to Device Administration under Security Settings of your Phone to deactivate it. Then try the above method.


If it’s something serious and even after a safe mode sweep your device is functioning odd, then I recommend you call local software services.

See if the local service center of your device’s manufacturer can do something about it.

And I shall see you again, thank you.

