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3 Best Features of a Chat bot

2 min readOct 30, 2017


There are many exciting features which can be implemented when using a chat bot. Chat bots can help automate your sales process, execute customer questions and lower your overhead for a customer support team. With the advances in artificial intelligence, we have seen a huge surge in the use cases available for a successful implementation of an A.I. chat bot. Today, we will discuss three of the best features available to a chat bot in 2017.

Accepting Payments

The ability for chat bots to be able to complete process a transactions truly changed the chat bot game. The Facebook messenger system, for example, allows complete payment integrations allowing vendors to quickly and literally seamlessly execute a sale to a customer through an A.I. chat bot. With this, the power of the impulse buy which famously has captured so many folks waiting in the grocery store line picking up one more item to buy, can easily be implemented into a chat system, automated, tracked and even fine-tuned for better results.

Call To Action

A call to action becomes apparently needed for a chat bot when you start to outline your chat bot’s goals. A chat bot’s goal can consist of a simple solution for a customer in need or trying to get a frequently asked question handled quickly. Furthermore, a call to action can lead a customer to complete their purchase and thus leading to a sale for your company. Finally another exciting aspect which can be implemented with a call to action in the chat bot’s world would be to add a simple “how-to-use” guide at the start of the interaction.

Inline Content & Videos

Finally, one of the best features should come automatically on your chat bot system but is vital enough to mention here as well. Inline content and videos are vital to a successful chat bot for two reasons. First, content is king. Second, outbound links from your chat bot can drop your participation rates drastically and should be avoided unless out bounding direct to a landing page. With this last point remember, odds are your platform supports this naturally! Still during your testing phases, ensure all content is supported internally.





HOLDME is An Artificial Intelligence Revolution Live Chat software powered by Ethereum Blockchain.