Future of Voice Activation

2 min readNov 3, 2017


The future of voice activation has already started to take form in the present time with google, amazon, and apple- three of the tech behemoths today, already have existing products on the market for voice activated services. Much of this underlying technology has been made available through the artificially intelligent chat bots which exist today. Furthermore, many believe that the future of customer experience revolves around the concept of voice activation. We have seen the established tech giants pursue this with Google, Apple, and Amazon all having chat bot solutions which are voice activated. These companies have allowed users to check anything from the weather to auto-type a text message out- all via a voice activated system. This is perfect for the busy individual who can now access their tech with simple voice commands.

With this new type of customer experience coming to the world, it opens a huge array of new aspects for both businesses and consumers. The future of voice recognition will revolutionize how users interact with their devices. Furthermore, as the internet of things starts to materialize more and more with smart watches, smart clothing, and smart cars soon to be a reality- voice activation and connectivity will revolutionize this interaction process.

Moving into the future the power of smart devices, interconnection and voice activation will make a wonderful world for us to enjoy! We see a world where making a cup of coffee or starting the dishwasher is as simple as asking Siri for directions to the closest shop. Finally, with this invent everyone’s lives from blue collar workers to the top of the ladder should see a jump in productivity! What an exciting future we have ahead.

Until next time,




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