How AI can change the face of evolving block chain industry

2 min readOct 23, 2017


Block chain, recently erupted into popularity through increased adoption of this new technology as well it’s ability to transcend a variety of different industries and vertices in business. The concept of the block chain was established in 2009 and through the last 8 years, it has exploded to potentially affect almost every industry in the world. From real estate to finance, block chain technology has promised many new changes coming to the world.

At the same time, artificial intelligence also storms forward with ground breaking discoveries helping propel this industry to new heights than before. In 2014, a chat bot was able to pass the Turing Test (Source). This powerful psychological test assumes only a human intelligence level could pass. Yet, we have broken this barrier and continue to break more barriers with AI technology.

How can AI and block chain work in synchronicity? Can AI help change the quickly evolving block chain industry? We believe yes, absolutely. The power of both of these technologies will continue to break old barriers, establish new norms, and hopefully help usher in a new era of computer science technology.

First, we believe here at Hold Me that AI and block chain technology can co-exists and enhance one another. The power of artificial intelligence can help users generate better chat bots, more effective conversation flows and more realistic conversation flows. This will allow for a better user experience and trickle through all other aspects of your company’s sales process. Furthermore, artificial intelligence will be able to open new avenues for block chain technology. Although both AI and block chain are in their infancy as technologies, they also both have a revolutionary feel to them — a ground-breaking presence when discussed in tech circles.




HOLDME is An Artificial Intelligence Revolution Live Chat software powered by Ethereum Blockchain.