Real Life AI Chatbot Examples

2 min readNov 15, 2017


Today we wanted to talk about the implications in the real world having an artificially intelligent chat bot. From saving people money on speeding tickets to helping build websites ranging to a host of other applications in the real world and in-use already today. Let’s dive into a few examples of these AI chat bots being used right now in 2017.

There are a host of different use cases for AI powered chat bots in 2017. Today we wanted to highlight two personal favorite projects which aim to tackle industries with extremely high-barriers to entry, such as legal service and health care. With this though, we truly believe there will be thousands and thousands of more chat bots actively working in a few short years, solving problems and helping make human lives easier.

Lawyer Bot

DoNotPay helps fight speeding tickets and other legal processes for free. As of June 2016, the chat bot had helped save over 160,000 traffic tickets from being paid by drivers across the world. More recently, the chat bot helped those affected by the Equifax hack that hit 100 Million individuals. The DoNotPay bot is a perfect example of an active AI chat bot being utilized today’s world. The bot helps individuals with problems they couldn’t alone do, such as filing on to a lawsuit against a giant technology company.

Real Life Services are being replaced with AI chat bot technology.


AI chat bots have crept into almost every industry from legal services, health care services, and website creation- just to list a few. The Dr AI bot for example can help diagnosis a medical illness. Although this technology may still be in it’s infancy, the potential for growth is immense. These real life services have allowed users to open free time in their lives while automation powered by artificial intelligence starts to take over.

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