What is social synergy and why you should care (Pt. 1)

2 min readOct 25, 2017


Social Synergy is a term that was coined by Barbara Marx Hubbard, a futurist with a mind on the community (source). With this, she established a term which defines a mindset focused on expanding the group’s creative presence and productivity through a shared agenda. Social synergy aims to create a public good such as a park or a museum or truly anything, in which it is built through collaborative work for the greater good of the public.

Social synergy can make big waves throughout the world.

With the power of the group, humans can start to tackle bigger challenges like the harsh storms and fires we’ve seen around the world in 2017 or the race to get humans to be an interstellar species living on multiple planets. These may seem daunting to most folks individually but as a whole, we can capture truly amazing feats.

It can also be smaller projects like building a home for a family who lost it in a wildfire or helping feed a group of hungry children. This is all possible through the proper use of social synergy. Furthermore, once you add the power of technology into the mix things can start to get truly exciting. Some kind folks have even built bots to help people fight unjust parking tickets. A simple yet annoying problem felt around many parts of the world.

The Meaning of Social Synergy

As mentioned above, social synergy was created by Barbara Hubbard, a futurists with her mind on tomorrow. Barbara helped coin this term after the 2008 world financial crisis in hopes that it would help stimulate a shift around the world to shed old belief systems while generating profoundly more productive ones. As we look back in 2017, we now see that the concept of social synergy has garnished some legs and popularity again around the world. With huge firms like Facebook adopting social synergy styled initiatives and even individuals seeking to learn more about the concept.

This important concept seems to be taking the world by storm. Volunteers from around the world travel to help those in need every day. One example was during the wildfires where Australia sent a team to help keep people safe and fight back the fire (source). There are so many wonderful stories like this and even without considering the vastly important implication this concept has on technology, it’s an extremely important topic. Through which, we believe the world can change faster than ever before expected because of technology and new mindsets like this one.

To be continued…




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