What is social synergy and why you should care (Pt. 2)

2 min readNov 14, 2017


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Technology cannot replace the real world, but gives an opportunity in these days, to organize our own life and communication with other people on higher level.

Technology can give a chance to co-operate with any other person, which suits us, to exchange anything with this person or to make project together. However, unlike to the today’s internet exchange or auctions, where you have to choose constantly between words and deeds (but all deeds are done by mediators, banks, offices and retail), here all your deeds only with those with whom you cooperate.

You can find in this world anything you need, and you will pay for it with yourself without any other mediators, auctions or internet pages. As well you can organize “virtual corporation”, which can from already existed firms and services create a nonstop working cycle, which gives a needed product.

Let’s start from the examples, which can explain how it works for self-employed.

Suppose you are an auto mechanic. To work independently you need, at least, to open a company, grow it, and if you survive and earn at least something, then only with a “snag” from the received money (this “snag” will be chewed from all sides, for a sweet soul), you can buy (order) some kind of product, equipment or service — for example to fix your computer.

On the other hand, in case of block chain exchange (social synergy), it is possible just a simple “barter exchange” for services, and if you wish to start work, you do not need to open a company.

For example, if you help somebody, and he will help you, and at the same time do not take money, then the firm is not legally required.

In addition to this, the engineer who is going to repair your computer may not have a car, then you will need to repair something to farmer, who will give you a milk for an engineer’s child, and only then, he will repair your computer.

Such a chain can contain as many links as it will be necessary to realize the interests and projects of the participants. Do not forget that under the same scheme you can order the services of experts and designers … as well as any smart people who will tell you how to do better.

To be continued…




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