What is social synergy and why you should care (Pt. 3)

2 min readNov 16, 2017


Blockchain is the future!

It can contain as many links as it will be necessary to realize the interests and projects of the participants. Do not forget that under the same scheme you can order the services of experts and designers … as well as any smart people who will tell you how to do better.

Moreover, all these options and arrangements in the network will be done in seconds, and the difference in the price of services (perhaps he will not drink so much milk :))) will be assigned to you like a bonus (accounting units, coins), which later you can exchange for other gifts or services.

Those who will provide any service for you, are people as well, and they do not eat money but buy everything they need for themselves, from housekeeping services to just buying cucumbers.

That is why those people as well need to resolve their problems quickly and do not want to have these “dirty money”, but only your help or gift (service) from other participant of blockchain.

This way shows how by little steps “rodents” is getting excluded from the process, and everyone, including officials, earns by doing something useful to others but not something which do not let them to live or gnaws the hidden.

One more thing, quite often we do something what we do not know how to do or we just do not want to do, but for this job we got payed higher. Nevertheless, in this system, even if you are an auto mechanic … but you know how to do something else, if you wish, you can even work as a toastmaster, if of course you got a talent (orders). This thing resolve many problems to many people, because very often market don’t give a job for those who are not in nowadays trend, but people often need something which market cannot give them (try to find really homemade, environmentally friendly products in the city …).

However, this mutually beneficial exchange not the most important thing.

More importantly, that you can cooperate in teams, and solve problems more seriously.

To build a house, to invent an invention, to plant a garden.

Furthermore, it is possible to create communal self-ruled local government, this is when in such cooperation it is possible to decide where to send your money and services, for example to build a kindergarten, repair in the housing and communal services or to build a road on your street.





HOLDME is An Artificial Intelligence Revolution Live Chat software powered by Ethereum Blockchain.