A Therapeutic Exercise: Letter to My Womb

4 min readDec 1, 2023


Due to cancer, I had my womb and tubes removed during a hysterectomy surgery. As a therapeutic exercise, I wrote a goodbye letter to my uterus.

Photo by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash

It took me a few weeks to finish writing the letter. Some days I wrote more words than others. I eventually finished writing my letter after my hysterectomy surgery. As I finally finished writing the letter, I smiled.

I wrote the letter in the best way I knew how; by incorporating a little bit of humor, hope, and happiness to go along with all the sad parts of the letter.

I know that everyone will deal with the emotional aspect of a hysterectomy differently, but I wanted to share this letter with others in case it may help… so here it is!

Dear Uterus,

I didn’t get a chance to fully say goodbye to you prior to surgery, so I’m writing you a letter now 💌. I’ve known that you’ve been struggling for quite a while and when I found out why, I knew you’d do everything in your power to get rid of the toxic cancer. It must have been a hard battle, but I heard you loud and clear with the signs you gave me; so I called in reinforcements! 👩🏼‍⚕️ Actually, you’ll be happy to hear that they expedited all my appointments at the best cancer care hospital just for you, and provided medication to help you fight.

Actually, you’ll be happy to hear that they expedited all my appointments at the best cancer care hospital just for you, and provided medication to help you fight. We also did much research to see how we can feed the body all kinds of goodness to support you. We got you daily doses of manuka honey🍯(I now have a honey collection!), green tea 🍵 & lots of berries 🍓 🫐.

I also had a huge amount of support from my husband, friends & family both near and far ❤️; especially the army of doctors in my family 🪖! Having that love & support where everyone checked in on me and asked what they could do for me meant everything; especially for my mental health. I couldn’t let my mental health suffer while you were suffering.

The power of prayers definitely came through for you as family, friends and even strangers were praying 🙏. Candles were lit in Canada’s biggest church for extra prayers🕯️!

A few days prior to when they would take you out of the body, I had a little goodbye moment while going through my little red box of menstrual products.🩸 I started to put all the pads and tampons in a bag and realized I wouldn’t have any more periods…ever! Woohoo! 😁 No more bloating, cravings 🍕, mopey period-shows📺, and complaining. Oh yes, my husband will definitely be happy about the less complaining; but I don’t think I complain 🤷🏽‍♀️.

I want to thank you for the monthly on-time periods that were so predictable 🗓️ because not everyone gets those. I appreciated that for over 2 decades. Wow, I feel old 🧓🏽! I may have ruined the cycle with too much stress 😬 or exercise 💪 from time to time, but you still made sure my cycles would always bounce back. However, the last year and a half you kept me guessing with much implantation spotting, extra bleeding & late periods. That was not fun 😕.

I still had the extra ovulation kits, prenatal vitamins, & pregnancy tests that were yet to be used. I know the body would have wanted to work its magic ✨ to create life in the womb for 9 beautiful months, but I know it’s been difficult lately. The many attempts to form life, well you always made the wise decision to let it go as you knew we wouldn’t be able to hold onto that new life for too long. Thank you for saving me from that heartache💔. Although I will no longer have the ability to carry a child and go through all the pregnancy ups & downs🤰🏽, I’ve accepted this in my life path.

These doors may have closed for me but other doors have opened🚪and we’ll see where those lead us in life. I think I’ve gone through every human emotion during this chapter; and I’m glad I did since we were given all these human emotions to be experienced. Thank you for making me feel more love & hope in life❣️.

Anyways, I wanted to say I appreciate your 2 decades of superb service, functioning well within the body. And thank you for fighting until the very end. I won’t ever forget you🎗️❤️.

P.S. I think you must have weighed a few pounds so I definitely feel like I lost some weight 😁! My intestines say thank you as they have taken up your space and they are super happy with extra space & poop releases throughout the day 💩.




A woman's transformative journey of womb cancer, resilience, and finding harmony in life. You can also follow me on Instagram @holisticallyharp