Which Essential Oils are Safe for Dogs?

Marian Grande
3 min readMar 24, 2017


Aromatherapy can benefit humans both physically, mentally and emotionally, and can also benefit dogs in the same ways.

You must be careful though, as some essential oils that can benefit humans or are soothing to human, may not be the case in dogs. Treatments can impact animals differently than they do humans, and there are different tolerance levels among dogs.

The largest problem with essential oils is that they may contain contaminates that make more serious issues arise.

For this reason, one should only use high grade oils from reputable certified aromatherapists, and verify the quality of oils before using them, as misused oils can be toxic if you don’t have all the correct facts.

We don’t give much thought to it when using essential oil products for humans, but the higher sensitivity and smaller size of animals makes it absolutely crucial that we be aware of potential danger.

Some Safe Oils for Dogs

Veterinarians are skilled professionals in the diagnosis of disease in animals and should always be consulted prior to any essential oil use on your dog. Make sure you always tell your vet what natural products your pet is using.

The following oils are safe to use on dogs.

Lavender: Safest of all essential oils, it can be used neat (undiluted) or diluted with a carrier oil. Very beneficial for assisting with allergies, burns, insomnia, car ride anxiety and car sickness.

Cardamom: Great when used as an anti-bacterial, helps to normalize appetite, coughs, heartburn and nausea, as well as being a diuretic.

Fennel: Greatly helps in breaking up toxins and fluid in tissue. Balances pituitary, thyroid and pineal glands.

Helichrysum: Anti-bacterial, reduces bleeding in accidents, helps repair nerves. Also, beneficial when used in cardiac disease.

Frankincense: Has helped some cases of cancer. Works on the immune system. Also, a great oil to use for dog anxiety.

Spearmint: Helps to reduce weight in dogs. Also, good for dogs who have colic, diarrhea, nausea. Helps balance metabolism, stimulates gallbladder.

Carrot Seed: Anti-inflammatory. Can rejuvenate and stimulate tissue regeneration, making it effective for scar healing.

Cedarwood: Flea-repellant. Also, great for coat conditioning.

Chamomile (German): Great anti-inflammatory. Gentle and non-toxic oil.

Chamomile (Roman): Helps calm car ride anxiety, teething pain and muscle pains.

Geranium: Gentle and safe oil. Great for fungal ear infections and repels ticks.

Marjoram: Strong anti-bacterial. Works well as a muscle relaxant and calming oil. Also, great insect repellant.

Niaouli: Works against infections caused by allergies. A must have oil for dogs. Works as a powerful anti-bacterial agent.

Orange: Great for deodorizing. Also repels fleas and is calming for dogs.

Valerian: A great nerve-calming oil. Works well for treating dogs with separation or noise anxiety.

If your dog does not like the scent of a particular oil, do not enforce its use. Animals have heightened senses of smell, and so, in most cases it is best to use oils that are diluted.

The ratio of diluting oils for adults compared to dogs is significantly different. Therefore, the ratio suggested is one drop of essential oil diluted in 50 drops of a pure carrier oil such as grape seed or apricot kernel oil is more than sufficient. In the case of pets, it is best not to overuse essential oils, as it may lead to an accidental overdose. Make sure to use an essential oil for no more than two weeks at a time with pets. Give your dog a rest period, then resume using the oil.

And remember, just because an essential oil is safe for human, does not mean this is the case for your pet.

We have comprised a list of 20 essential oils that should not be used on pets, in particular dogs.

  • Anise
  • Birch
  • Bitter Almond
  • Camphor
  • Cassia
  • Cloves
  • Garlic
  • Hyssop
  • Juniper
  • Mugwort
  • Mustard
  • Oregano
  • Pennyroyal
  • Red or White Thyme
  • Sassafras
  • Savory
  • Tea Tree
  • Wintergreen
  • Wormwood
  • Yarrow

Never use any essential oil internally, whether on humans or pets. It is never safe to do so under any circumstances. considering how highly concentrated they are. Many companies will encourage you to use essential oils internally, including several MLM companies, however, we, as certified aromatherapists, ask you never to do this as this may be extremely harmful, at times even toxic.

So, go ahead and try some of our tops picks for dogs. Your dog will grateful!

© Mistico Mimi Wellness Centre, 2017, 519–304–4408




Marian Grande

Serenity Aroma — Aromatherapy, Essential Oils & Holistic Health & Wellness by Certified Aromatherapy Health Professional (CAHP) & Crystal Healer, Marian Grande