Polish Hunter’s Stew

Amanda Filipowicz
3 min readMar 9, 2020

Oh, cabbage you are so very delicious!! I can eat you all the time and I do. Breakfast, lunch and dinner … for a snack? YES of course!

This — cholesterol and cancer lowering, a great source of vitamins K, C and B5 — green globe may seem unexciting when you look at it first, but just you wait. You can eat it raw, salads, veggie/spring rolls … cabbage juice — sure all that is great, but cooked cabbage, now that’s a treat!

Bigos a Polish cabbage dish, known in English as Hunter’s stew…is divine. Sauerkraut, homemade — as a side during dinner… oh yeah. French cabbage soup, cabbage rolls… okay now I’m hungry. Those are all great cabbage recipes but that’s not what we are looking into today. Today we are looking into a simple cabbage stew, it can be vegan but a bit of meat (especially meat with fat) makes it taste so much better. I highly recommend you try this deliciously easy to make bigos recipe today.

Health Benefits

  • a significant source of antioxidants (polyphenols) which help reduce oxidative damage in the body (cancer prevention) and aid in reducing inflammation!
  • glucosinolates, antioxidant polyphenols and glutamine are all nutrients contained in cabbage that aid in healing the digestive tract and potentially stomach ulcers. Cabbage is also shown to have benefits reducing bacterial overgrowth in…



Amanda Filipowicz

Certified Nutritional Practitioner. Definitive source for information on healthy holistic living. Editor @ https://holistickenko.com/