How Writing Flash Fiction Makes Me a Better Copywriter

Hollie Sherrington
5 min readDec 20, 2018
Image Credit: Kyle Glenn, Unsplash

Shortly after joining Twitter at the beginning of 2018, I discovered the Twitter writing community and the delightful and curious world of flash fiction and Very Short Stories.

Very Short Stories is a daily writing exercise open to writers of any genre. Each day, the challenge is to create a piece of flash fiction that includes the daily prompt word and share it with your followers, using the hashtag #vss365.

To see what I mean, search the hashtag on Twitter now if you like. I don’t mind waiting…

You’re back — hurrah!

Now, here are a couple of pieces of my flash fiction thrown in for good measure, and because I’m kinda sneaky like that:

‘My mother died on Christmas Eve. The church bells rang out the next morning, as they always had. But louder than before. And somehow, they had lost their melody.’

That was the first piece of flash fiction I ever wrote.

And here’s another with a hashtag highlighting the prompt word:

‘He’d always loved the sight of blood, been seduced by its crimson allure. As he cut into the stranger’s alabaster skin, he felt that familiar surge of adrenaline, that #delicious, incomparable sense of god-like power. Just another day in the life of a surgeon.’



Hollie Sherrington

Freelance Copywriter with 9 years’ experience of winging it. Occasional dabbler in fiction.