An old soul in a strange world

2 min readMay 20, 2024

“Life is a paradox. In order to heal, you must hurt. In order to have peace, you must face chaos. Every experience is meant to bring you balance”

Growing up was difficult. In my experience anyway. All my life people have made this assumption about me. Naive, stupid, weak or something else bad just because I choose to be kind in most circumstances. A lot of people don’t grasp and never fully comprehend this position.

I have gone through a hundred hurdles with so much pain in them;

With no one to whom I can say a word, from whom I can ask advice, there’s a point in my life when I realize that I’m utterly alone. But that one quote stands still on my sticky notes:

“Dear Lord, please help me remember that no matter what’s gonna happen today, You are with me and I believe I can handle it with You”

That subconsciously become my verse, full of hope and strength, that keeps me alive;

Life is a paradox and being kind is not being weak.

The world is shit.

It’s easier to being an asshole and lose hope in people.

It’s easier to mistrust everyone than to give your all despite the chance of being broken by them.

It’s easier to be mad than to forgive.

So it takes a lot of strength to still have hope even after all the bad shit once wrecked my life. That’s a paradox and when I look back at myself, I only see a brave little girl.

Nobody’s perfect, people are fighting a silent battle I know nothing about. Life doesn’t go easy on anyone but I know one thing is certain: we can make it a little easier by being kind, generous and loving.

