6 Expert Tips to Keep Your Clothes Fresh in Self Storage Units

Holloway Storage
3 min readDec 7, 2022


How do you protect clothes hanging in storage? Well, most people store unwanted things in their place in self storage in Bondi. But let us tell you that you can also store your clothes (usually the seasonal ones) in a storage rental. There are lots of storage facilities available with wardrobes where you can store your clothes for the time being. But no matter what type of clothes you are keeping in the storage rental, you must make sure that you are doing it in the right way. And we will discuss it further in the following article.

How To Store Your Clothes in Self-Storage Units?

It may seem easy to store your clothes in storage units, but it is not. Clothing storage is more than packing them in boxes and loading them into the units. You must make sure that your clothes are stored to keep their quality intact and smell fresh. Wondering how to do that? All you have to do is choose the right storage and follow the below-mentioned steps to keep the clothes fresh:

1.Before you pack your clothes for the storage rental, wash everything. It is one of the most crucial steps for clothing storage. Washing clothes before loading them into storage boxes can also increase their longevity. Besides that, unwashed clothes can also develop moulds and mildew over time and may smell bad. Washing it beforehand can prevent these.

2. When you are ready to pack your clothes, go through your closet and decide what to keep and what not to. Gather the clothes you no longer wear and decide if you have any plans to wear them in the future. If not, you can donate them to Goodwill or Salvation Army. Or else, you can also sell them through eBay or other applications.

3. Even though cardboard boxes are excellent for storing equipment(s), they are bad for clothing storage. Using these to store your clothes can make them vulnerable. Plastic bags for clothing storage are also harmful. They can trap moisture, which later leads to moulds and mildews. Experts suggest the use of plastic bins is the best way to store clothes.

4. Creating an inventory system in your self-storage rental is necessary. It will not only help you organise your clothes but also offers easy access to them. You can colour-code each unit to identify clothes of the same colours. Alongside that, you can also label the boxes with the clothes you put inside, e.g., winter sweaters.

5. Another common mistake people make is vacuum-packing their clothes. Well, you should never do this. Though it may save a lot of space inside the storage box, it can also damage your clothes. Packing clothes in this way can lead to permanent wrinkles on them. Natural fibre needs to breathe and thus, sucking out all the air from it can deteriorate the clothes.

6. Last but not least, refold your clothes every year. In this way, you can prevent permanent wrinkles on your clothes. Besides that, doing it will also allow you to check on the clothes. And thus, you can see if there are any stains, pests, dust or signs of water damage on your clothes.

Are you planning to renovate your closet? Instead of squeezing all your clothes into one location, rent a unit for self storage in Bondi. Clothing storage is like storing other belongings. All you have to do is make sure that you are storing them right. Or else, it can ruin your clothes. And we hope this article will help you with everything.

Author Bio: Author is a relocation and storage expert. He has helped many people to store their things in self storage in Bondi. Alongside that, he also enjoys writing blog posts and articles on various related topics.

