Vulva Mapping

For health, wellness, and pleasure

Holly Paige
More Than Sex


Photo by Sharon Pittaway on Unsplash

If you’re a woman who has never taken part in vulva mapping — either solo or with a partner — then I highly recommend it.

What does vulva mapping entail, exactly? It involves setting aside time for some self-care and taking a lovely little excursion with your hands to explore the external and internal areas of your female anatomy — all while being mindful of how each part feels and the sensations you experience.

The vulva is a wonder, and for those of you who are vulva owners, there are numerous benefits to familiarizing yourself with your most intimate parts by name and by feel.

Awareness, wellness, and pleasure too

How many of us have actually searched out and felt each of our inner and outer reproductive parts in a mindful way? How many of us know all the technical terms for all of our lady bits?

Vulva mapping helps us understand how things work together in our sexual ecosystem, giving us a wealth of knowledge and understanding that can help maintain reproductive health, heal past trauma, and promote sexual pleasure. It can also help women acknowledge any body shame or embarrassment we may have with our uniquely shaped vulvas and appreciate our differences.



Holly Paige
More Than Sex

Curious creature, pursuer of passion, unbeliever in limiting or lengthy bios. Email me at