My Weight Loss Story: The Marriage of Nutrition & Fitness

Holly Hardy
7 min readMar 22, 2019

I biked up mountains over and over that summer. I spent two hours a day, at least four days a week in the gym lifting weights. I even hiked for 12 hours to the summit of Mount Timpanogos. Yet I was at my heaviest weight ever — outside of pregnancy. I know fitness — I would even consider myself a fitness connoisseur but somehow I couldn’t keep the fat off. My diet wasn’t perfect, but I wasn’t gorging myself on fast food everyday. Something was wrong with this picture.

In my early 20’s when thin was easy.

Let’s back this story up, I’ve always been thin and honestly had very little issues with weight. {Insert your hatred and eye rolls here}. I know, I know..I’m that person. However this particular summer I was into my 30's with two kids and had some accidents that derailed my normal fitness routines slightly. This sent my body into a downward spiral that I did not know how to get out of.

One day this particular summer I decided to climb a couple of mountains on my bike, and then meet my family for a hike. We hiked a couple of miles and after, we decided to go play on an inflatable obstacle course at a local lake. I was tired but having so much fun! Then, I decided to follow my 15 year old nephew across the obstacle course, and my body reminded me that I’m twice his age. My foot slipped and my knee gave out. It hurt but I got myself together and kept playing…



Holly Hardy

Special needs mom, anxiety survivor, personal trainer, and nutritionist trying to put it all together into one happy mess.