I’m An International Adoptee and Not Interested In Finding My Biological Parents

6 min readMar 27, 2019
Mom, me, and Dad — China, 2000

A question I’m often asked after people find out I’m adopted is, “Do you ever wonder who your birth parents are?” And I think for a second. The answer isn’t a simple “yes” or “no”, but if I had to pick, it’d be a “no”.

She only invested nine months into me, but my mom (and dad) have invested nearly twenty years.

My mom and I — China, 2000

To be honest, I don’t call these unknown people my “birth parents”. I call them my “biological parents”. To me, birth implies intimacy and connection, two things that are lacking in this (nonexistent) relationship with my biological parents. The people I call “Mom” and “Dad” are the people who I consider my real parents. Although my biological mother did give birth to me, why should I think of her as my “real mom”? She only invested nine months into me, but my mom (and dad) have invested nearly twenty years. I am simply the reproduction of my biological parents, nothing more.




Conservative. Femininity enthusiast. Gym lover. Adoption advocate.