Does Lily Collins have a special workout routine ? Or is it the diet ?

4 min readJan 2, 2022


Does Lily Collins have a special workout routine ? Or is it the diet ?

Lily Collins is 32 years old as of 2022 and it’s remarkable how fit she looks. Lily Collins workout routine and diet plan must be quite something to keep her so fit.

She started working out from an early age and considers working out a part of her regular life.

In this article, we will talk more about her workout routine, what sort of diet plan she follows, and her activities at the gym.

Lily Collins Workout Routine

Lily Collins going to the gym

Source: Pinterest
Lily Collins has maintained her fitness since she began working out; however, when she first began her career and began working, working out was just something she did. Lily discussed how that has changed in a recent interview with Byrdie. She began to enjoy her activities as if they were a natural part of her life, and they made her happy.

Lily had been through a lot, especially since she moved to LA; she had dealt with a lot of family issues and other issues that caused her to suffer from depression and eating disorders. But now things are different, and Lily has transformed herself for the better, and she is doing well. Lily discussed how she enjoys going to the gym and participating in workouts such as group cardio and dance classes where she can work up a sweat with her friends.

Lily also told Byrdie that she enjoys pushing herself to try new things that her body isn’t capable of. Like enjoys working out new muscles that Lily is unfamiliar with. Lily mentioned in the other article, which was published in Women’s Health, that she enjoys swimming as well. Lily also stated in the interview that she stays in shape by doing isometric and ballet moves.

Lily also stated that she used to feel extremely guilty if she missed a workout. However, Lily now allows herself to rest if she needs to, as she has adopted a more positive attitude, believing that the elliptical machines will always be there, but her life will not. Isn’t this a huge shift? Let’s summarize the workout routine and turn it into a plan that you can stick to.

Lily Collins’ workout includes the following:-


For us, the cardio routine will consist of group exercises and cardio classes. We will also incorporate swimming, ballet moves, dance classes, and cardio classes into our routine. You’ll work on your cardio routine at least five days a week, doing a variety of exercises to help you get in shape.

— Swimming for 30 minutes on Monday

— Tuesday: barre classes for 40 to 50 minutes

— Thursday: Yoga for an hour

— Zumba or dance class on Friday

— Saturday: Go for a run, hike, or trek.

Isometric Exercises

Monday to Friday are training days.

Isometric training is a type of exercise in which you work a body part by contracting muscles in a static position. It’s not dissimilar to the workouts most people do at the gym; however, the best thing about isometric movements is that you can do them at home because many exercises can be completed using only your body weight. Plank, toe touch, reverse planks, wall sit, glute bridge, side plank pose, mountain climber, lunges, squats, pull-ups, push-ups, and good mornings are just a few examples of exercises.

Isometric training, on the other hand, includes many weight exercises. Isolation bicep curls, concentration curls, deadlifts, hip thruster, tricep extension, bent over rows, and so on are examples of exercises. So feel free to try out all of these exercises and see what works best for you.

Lily Collins Diet Plan

In the interview with Byrdie that she prefers to eat in moderation and that she does not think or worry as much as she did when she was going through difficulties. Lily now appears to be relaxing and telling herself that one or two cocktails every now and then are fine. Lily enjoys baking as well. Lily is a clean eater who enjoys a healthy diet, according to the Women’s Health article.

Lily enjoys meats such as chicken and fish, as well as vegetables, fruits, and grains such as Quinoa; however, she avoids red meat products. Now, let’s look at a workout routine that you can do to get Lily Collins’ body shape.


— Eggs

— Toast

— Fruits


— Salad


— Chicken

— Veggies

— Quinoa

Evening Snack

— Green juice


— Salmon

— Veggies




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