HoloLens Challenge #7: Terminator Vision

James Ashley
1 min readOct 31, 2016


The Challenge: Use MS Cognitive Services with HoloLens to provide augmented analysis of your world.

Terminator Vision is one of the first AR metaphors we were introduced to in the movies (1984). Today we have all the pieces and just need to pull it all together.

To get you started, we suggest you look at Cognitive Services or similar technology like NeuralTalk (shown below). Also, be sure to start early as there’s a lot more learning than usual to get this working.

The Rules:
1. You have three weeks to complete this challenge. (Due Nov 22).

2. Use the ‪#‎hololens_challenge‬ hashtag so we can find you and know you are participating in the challenge. You must post a photo or a video showing your solution to the challenge by Tuesday, 12 PM PST. Let us know about it on the HoloLens Developers Facebook page.

3. As with Highlanders, there can be only one. At the same time, please remember that when we share, we are all winners. The best solution will be announced on Wednesday and selected by a shadowy group of Silicon Valley power brokers, Russian hackers, and summer interns.
Good luck!

Special thanks to the EE track at the DevIntersection conference for its inspiration.



James Ashley

Mixed Reality engineer. AI enthusiast. I wrote my first chatbot in 2007 on Vista SAPI to play Zork with voice commands. Still working on a port to MR headsets.