Skillful Guy

Levi Ramos
Jun 8, 2022


Poem by Levi Ramos

Last year I died,
And this year, I’ll die too
Because with each passing year,
I die, and I die again

And every death is a transformation
The infinite treasure
The end of the old perception
Deep illusion and repression

Because whoever remains
Gets old and the same
Just because they get upset,
The beings don’t renew; they forget

I’m reborn stronger and stronger,
Lively and full of warmth
In the wind maneuvers
I surf with wisdom and calm

I pour myself
Into deep peace
I say goodbye to the old me
That now lies peacefully


Instagram: @hololevi | Twitter: @hololevi

Photo: Levi Ramos / Instagram: @hololevi
Photo: Levi Ramos / Instagram: @hololevi

