Keeping Your Information Safe Online: A Beginner’s Guide to Cybersecurity

Frank Agyarko
2 min readOct 25, 2023

With so much of our lives now online, keeping our information safe and secure has become incredibly important. But what exactly does "cybersecurity" mean and how can average internet users protect themselves? This article will explain the basics of cybersecurity in simple terms everyone can understand.

Cybersecurity is about preventing unauthorized access to computer systems, networks, and data. The main goals are maintaining the privacy, accuracy, and accessibility of information stored digitally. Simple examples are keeping hackers from getting into your email, preventing someone from impersonating you online, or ensuring a website you use stays up and running smoothly.

There are many ways cybercriminals try to get at your information. Malware is software designed to infect your device and let attackers control it or steal data. Phishing uses fake emails or websites to trick you into revealing passwords or other sensitive information. Mass data breaches that expose millions of people's information are also increasingly common.

Protecting yourself takes layers of safeguards working together. Strong passwords and multi-factor authentication help control access. Antivirus software detects and blocks malware. Backing up data enables recovery if systems are damaged. Being alert to phishing scams and using common sense when clicking links or downloading software are good habits for everyone.

Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility between technology providers and individual users. Service providers and companies have obligation to secure systems and software they deliver. But end users need to make security a priority as well through their own actions and awareness. Good "cyber hygiene" habits like using unique passwords and updating devices when prompted are essential.

While more advanced technical protections exist, following basic cybersecurity best practices goes a long way. Learn more about how to protect yourself and your family online. Small steps make a difference!



Frank Agyarko

I write about cybersecurity, exploring ways to help you stay secure in the digital realm while also assisting in the reduction of digital footprint.