ReduceExploring the zen and the power of reduce or fold function as an abstraction over recursions and loopsMay 18, 2019May 18, 2019
Making almost every non-interactive Web page work offlineRecently I spent a good part of two working days decoding service workers to make an app work offline.Sep 24, 2016Sep 24, 2016
Composability: from Callbacks to Categories in ES6Exploring Functional Programming ideas like Monads and Kleisli Category in JavaScript. Starting from an alternative solution to Promises.Jul 8, 20165Jul 8, 20165
Timing asynchronous functions in JavaScript ES6In this post I’ll present a reusable function for timing async operations in JavaScript.Jun 25, 2016Jun 25, 2016
Detecting Low Converting Web Traffic EarlyWe usually breakdown the traffic of a campaign into its sources: the publishers (apps or websites) which display our ads. Often the quality…Jan 30, 2016Jan 30, 2016