Tearing down my Favourite Product!

Homani Goyal
5 min readNov 25, 2022

Back in time, my grandparents had a record player which is now the antique showpiece of my living room, then came walkmans, iPods which now are the vague good old memories of my childhood.

I relied on the internet to listen to the songs of my favourite band and artists, oh wait! On what basis am I calling them my favourite? Based on which famous artist my friends were listening to.

I remember going to Music World and Planet M gazing at every possible CD wanting to try them all but couldn’t because of the limited pocket money and having the notion of buying an album which might not be for me. There was no one to recommend you back then, was there?

Thanks to the advancement of technology saving us from feeling overwhelmed and limited.

Applications and tech products have now become an integral part of our lives. One such app that has become my most visited app in the last 3 years is Spotify.

How about doing the product teardown? Oh! First, let me tell you what product teardown is.

A product teardown is an act of disassembling the product. It involves understanding the product from the eyes of the customers, organisation and product manager.

Who is Spotify for?

Anyone and Everyone!

Operating on the fermium model, Spotify has 422 million unique users with 195 million users having Spotify Premium to date. (Stats Source: BusinessofApps)

Not only it’s a platform where the users follow their favourite artists, but it’s also a platform where artist share their playlists with their fans.

What did Spotify solve?

Music for everyone, anywhere!

Their sole mission is to unlock the potential of human creativity- by allowing a million creative artists to live off their art and billions of fan the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it.

Music for anyone for any MOOD!

Not only it offers a wide variety of genres to choose from, but it also offers a wide variety of podcasts and shows to listen to.

Spotify making itself the one-stop solution for the user.

What does it offer and how good is it?

Well, a lot of things!

1. Spotify Codes:

· This feature enables users to scan codes using an inbuilt camera in the phone to instantly land upon songs or playlists.

· This feature just stands out as it lets them attract their favourite music to tangible things.

2. Discover WeeklyMy Virtual Best Friend:

· Yes, I have a virtual best friend now, Thanks to Spotify!

· This feature makes me feel seen — in the sense that it knows my musical taste better than any person in my entire life ever has.

· This feature updates every Monday for each user.

3. Daily Mix:

· This is another feature of Spotify that just gets you.

· Based on your favourite songs, the platform will serve up to six personalized playlists and related music.

· These playlists update daily, so the head-bopping never stops.

4. Your Daily Podcast:

· Similar to Discover Weekly, Your Daily Podcast is a home for all podcast lovers.

· Just as one has a playlist of songs, this feature has a playlist of podcasts that suits your area of interest.

· Since to keep up with the competitors’ product management and development always have to be on its toes, Spotify has been keeping up with the new areas of improvement and adding new features allowing it a stronger stand in the market amongst its contentions.

5. Spotify Wrapped:

· Spotify Wrapped is a feature that wraps you and your data at the end of the year.

· Just like how Snapchat and Facebook show us the recap of our pictures Spotify too shows us the recap of what one has heard around the year.

6. Enhance:

· This is a newly added feature that one can find in their Liked Songs playlist.

· Enhance is a one-tap feature that when clicked automatically spiffs ups the user’s playlist with the recommended song that fits within the already existing playlist.

· You can always untap ‘Enhance’ as per your wish.

7. Affordable Subscription:

· One of the best models Spotify offers is the flexibility with the subscription plan that fits the user’s needs.

· It offers a diverse subscription from 1-day, weekly, and monthly to yearly plans.

· Not only this it also offers special plans for students and families.

· No wonder why it’s become one of the leading streaming apps in the marketplace.

Highlighting a Pain Point via a User Persona:

A solution around this pain point can be the submission of the family members’ Pan Card or the last four digits of their Aadhar cards which can act as proof of verification, making it easier for Spotify and its users subscribing to family plans. This will allow the members of the family to use Spotify without going through constant re-verification of their current location.

With many things that Spotify offers, definitely make it stand out in the market and adapting to its users makes it a reliable and flexible product.

Thank you for reading this. Please drop in your reviews in the comments.

