What is the ROI of striving for perfection?

Why perfection is your greatest enemy in sales



Over the last two and half years as Co-founder and Chief Sales Officer at Home61, a tech enabled real estate brokerage focused on lead generation, I’ve interacted with thousands of real estate agents. What separates the closers from the non closers? Attitude. I’m not talking about positive or negative attitude; I’m talking about the difference in attitude between agents who go out and get things done and those who wait to be perfect at something.

In sales, speed is the key to success. While you wasted time editing your email and sending it to your friends to make sure it was grammatically correct, your competition just called your client and landed a deal. Unfortunately, most agents hesitate to start door knocking, do cold calls or even post on social media because they are waiting to perfect some aspect of their pitch. Sometimes it’s “I need training,” or “I need a mentor” or my favorite, “I need to get all my marketing materials out…




Built in 2015 Home61 has found a home for over 1,500 clients. Mixing marketing, technology and sales Home61 change the game in Real Estate.