Five Stunning Ideas For Front Door Design to Make Your Home Look Striking

4 min readJun 6, 2017


Want your home to be the most stunning and delightful place in the neighborhood? Consider giving your exterior door a makeover with these five most popular front door design ideas. While ensuring the exterior and interior look of the house, we usually forget paying attention to our front door design. We randomly select any design that does not even go well with our home ’s appearance and personal living style.

We should not forget that front door is the first impression of any home staging. It speaks a lot about the personality and living style of the family who lives in the house. Do not let your personality fade among your peers and relatives by installing door that does not go well with your dwelling. Install these five most amazing front doors and make your home look stand apart from your neighbor’s. We are sure our efforts will inspire you to renovate your front doors.

A large wooden double door is always inviting

Let your personality shine by installing a large wooden double door. A beautifully designed large double door increases overall appeal of your home and makes your guests feel welcomed. The door will not only offer a stylish entry to your guests but also will change the feel of your entire home. It will offer a wider opening to your living area and make your home look majestic. You can craft your wooden door with striking wood craftsmanship. This idea will make your entrance look more appealing and eye-catching.

A London style front door with bright inviting colors

Make your entrance inviting to your guests by installing timber-made London style front door. London doors are trending since late 1930’s. Many people still don’t want to compromise on timeless look it offers. Make your home stand out by painting your London style door in bright inviting colors like red, orange, turquoise, blue and blue shades. The idea will brighten up your exterior. You can pay off surroundings by painting the door in green and its shades. Green will give your entrance an elegant statement. Try purple and its warm and cool tones. Purple London door compliments almost any exterior. Or you can try yellow and dark pink shade for energy and warmth. A bright colored London door is always a hit idea to create an impression on the onlookers.

An iron fiberglass door for modern interiors

Grace your home entrance by installing popular iron fiberglass front door. When it comes to choosing exterior door for modern homes, then picking up an iron fiberglass door is the perfect fit. Iron and fiberglass doors are the most stylish doors that instantaneously increase the curb appeal of the entire home exterior. Iron doors are more resistant to wear and tear than traditional wooden doors. Moreover, they are available in different designs that can be painted in color of your choice. Your iron fiberglass door can be one of the first things that a passerby will notice.

A large arc front door is always appealing

An arc door is another very popular option. Many builders and architects recommend installing curved doors and windows to make home look less boxy. An arched door adds visual appeal to entrance and pleases the eyes of visitors. They look expensive however they are quite affordable and sturdy. You can build arch door according to your specifications and measurement in single and double door options. For adding a style, you can decorate it by adding dentil shelf on both sides.

A contemporary aluminum front door

Most interior designers are recommending installing aluminum front doors to encourage portability and minimalism. An aluminum door has the ability to transform any doorway into a modern and stylish entrance because they offer striking sleek designs. Strength and durability are added advantages. They come in various new modern designs which can be painted in over 200 different RAL colors. You can have two different shades inside and out. An aluminum front door can easily transform your boring exterior door into a welcoming entrance.




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