Sauna Attire Guide: What to Wear in a Sauna

Ashish Agarwal
5 min readJan 1, 2024


A couple enjoying a sauna session, wearing swimwear for a relaxing sauna experience

When it comes to enjoying a sauna session, wearing the right attire is essential for your comfort, hygiene, and safety.

Knowing what to wear in a sauna can make a significant difference in your overall experience whether you are a sauna enthusiast or trying out a sauna for the first time.

What to Wear in a Sauna

So, what should you wear in a sauna?

  1. Choose the Right Fabric:
  • Cotton Garments: Opt for loose, lightweight cotton clothing. Cotton absorbs sweat and allows your skin to breathe, enhancing the detoxifying effect of the sauna.

2. Swimwear Considerations:

  • Swimsuits: If you’re more comfortable in swimwear, choose a swimsuit made of breathable fabric. Ensure it’s rinse-cleaned of any chlorine or saltwater to prevent any potential irritation in the sauna’s heat.
  • Change Post-Sauna: Have a fresh set of swimwear or clothes to change into post-sauna, as it’s unhealthy to stay in damp garments.
Man in red swim trunks with a towel in a sauna

3. Understanding Sauna Nudity:

  • Cultural Norms: In many European countries, nudity in saunas is common and often seen as a part of the authentic sauna experience. It promotes complete sweat evaporation and hygiene.
  • Privacy and Comfort: If nudity is outside your comfort zone or if the sauna’s rules require swimwear, respect these guidelines. Your comfort and respecting the comfort of others are paramount.

4. Using Towels Wisely:

  • Sitting Towel: Always bring a towel to sit or lie on for hygiene. This also prevents direct contact with the hot sauna bench.
  • Sweat Absorption: Have an extra towel to pat down sweat, which helps in maintaining personal comfort.

5. Footwear and Accessories:

  • Flip-Flops or Sandals: In public saunas, wear flip-flops for hygiene and to protect your feet from the hot floor. Ensure your feet are clean before entering the sauna to keep the environment hygienic for everyone.
  • Headbands or sauna hats made of soft, absorbent fabric protect your head and also keep sweat and hair away from your face.
Assorted sauna hats hanging in a row, essential wear for a sauna session

6. After the Sauna:

  • Shower and Change: Post-sauna, take a cool shower to cleanse and then change into dry, comfortable clothes for a refreshing end to your sauna session.

Whether you choose swimwear, a towel, or opt for nudity, based on the sauna’s cultural and individual guidelines, comfort, and cleanliness should always be your top priority.

What Not to Wear in a Sauna

When it comes to dressing for a sauna, certain items of clothing should be avoided to prevent discomfort and potential risks.

Synthetic fibers such as nylon and polyester should be avoided as they can retain heat and moisture, leading to overheating and discomfort. Opt for loose-fitting garments made of natural fibers like cotton, bamboo, or linen instead.

Another item to avoid in the sauna is swimwear with metal fasteners or embellishments. These can become hot and cause burns when in contact with the sauna’s heat source. Choose swimwear without any metal parts, ensuring a safe sauna experience.

Makeup in the sauna is not recommended as it can clog pores and disrupt the detoxification process. Allow your skin to breathe freely by going makeup-free during your sauna session.

Strong perfumes should also be avoided in the sauna, as they can react with the heat and steam and create an unpleasant odor.

Opt for a fresh, clean scent or go fragrance-free in the sauna to ensure a pleasant experience for yourself and others.

In addition, it is advisable to avoid wearing jewelry and bringing phones into the sauna. Jewelry can heat up and cause discomfort or burns, while phones can overheat and may pose a safety hazard.

Leave your valuables outside the sauna to fully enjoy the experience without any distractions or risks.

Remember, dressing appropriately for the sauna is not only about comfort but also about respecting the importance of hygiene and safety.

By following these sauna dress tips, you can enhance your sauna experience and fully enjoy the benefits of this relaxing and rejuvenating practice.

Woman wrapped in a towel enjoying the warmth of a sauna

Sauna Etiquette and Additional Tips

When it comes to enjoying a sauna experience, it’s not just about what you wear — it’s also about how you conduct yourself.

Understanding sauna etiquette is crucial for a harmonious and respectful atmosphere. In addition to wearing appropriate attire for the sauna, here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

First and foremost, it’s important to be aware of the sauna dress code, which can vary depending on the country or culture.

While some saunas allow nudity, others may require swimsuits or towels. To avoid any uncomfortable situations, it’s best to research and adhere to the specific rules of the sauna you are visiting.

Respecting others’ privacy is another crucial aspect of sauna etiquette. Avoid staring or making others feel uncomfortable, as everyone deserves a sense of peace and relaxation during their sauna visit.

Keep conversations to a minimum, or if you must speak, do so softly to maintain a serene environment for all sauna-goers.

Refrain from bringing food or drinks, except for water, into the sauna to maintain cleanliness and prevent any accidents or spills.

Sitting on a clean towel is also recommended to maintain cleanliness.

If you have a cold or flu, it’s considerate to avoid using the sauna to prevent the spread of infection to others.

By keeping these etiquette guidelines and additional tips in mind, you can ensure a pleasant and enjoyable sauna experience for yourself and others.

So go ahead, relax, and embrace the rejuvenating benefits of the sauna.



Ashish Agarwal

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