Are there any government schemes or financial assistance available for goat farming?

Goel Vet Pharma
3 min readMay 25, 2023


Goat Farming In India

Goat farming in India has gained popularity as a profitable and sustainable agricultural venture. With its relatively low investment requirements, quick return on investment, and high demand for goat meat and milk, it presents a lucrative opportunity for farmers. Recognizing the potential of this sector, the Indian government has introduced several schemes and financial assistance programs to support and encourage goat farming. In this article, we will explore the various government initiatives and schemes available for goat farming in India.

National Livestock Mission (NLM)

The National Livestock Mission (NLM) is an initiative by the Government of India aimed at promoting sustainable livestock development. Under this scheme, financial assistance is provided for various livestock activities, including goat farming. The mission offers support in the form of subsidies for the construction of sheds, purchase of quality breeding stock, veterinary care, feed, and fodder management. Farmers can avail themselves of NLM benefits by approaching the concerned district animal husbandry department or registered non-government organizations (NGOs) involved in livestock development.

Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)

The Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) is a centrally sponsored scheme implemented to enhance the overall growth and development of agriculture in India. One of the key objectives of RKVY is to promote entrepreneurship and employment opportunities in the agriculture sector, including goat farming. Under this scheme, financial assistance is provided to farmers for the establishment of goat farms, purchase of quality breeding stock, construction of sheds, and procurement of feed and fodder. Interested farmers can approach their respective state agriculture departments to avail themselves of the benefits offered by RKVY.

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)

NABARD plays a crucial role in providing financial support to farmers across various agricultural sectors, including goat farming. Farmers can avail themselves of loans for starting and expanding their goat farming ventures through NABARD. The bank offers loans at subsidized interest rates and provides assistance for the purchase of high-quality breeding stock, construction of sheds, and infrastructure development. Additionally, NABARD also extends support through various training and capacity-building programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of goat farmers.

Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY)

The Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) is a flagship scheme of the Government of India aimed at providing financial assistance to small and micro-enterprises, including goat farming. PMMY offers loans up to a certain limit without the requirement of collateral security, making it accessible to small-scale goat farmers. Farmers can avail themselves of these loans through various participating banks and microfinance institutions. The funds can be utilized for the purchase of goats, construction of sheds, procurement of equipment, and other business-related activities.


Goat farming in India has immense potential for generating income and improving rural livelihoods. The government has recognized the importance of this sector and has introduced several schemes and financial assistance programs to support goat farmers. The National Livestock Mission (NLM), Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), and Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) are some of the prominent initiatives that provide financial assistance, subsidies, and loans to support goat farming activities. By taking advantage of these schemes, farmers can overcome financial barriers, enhance their productivity, and contribute to the growth of the goat farming industry in India.

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