Why I Absolutely Refuse To Talk About the Void Aspect Under any Circumstances.

8 min readMay 9, 2020


Howdy Everyone,


I hope this isn’t too uncomfortable and unsatisfying a read for you. I read some comments on Reddit asking me to explore some of the other aspects in a bit more depth. I wanted to be as transparent as possible about this and get it out of the way. I’m sorry, but I refuse to talk about Void as an aspect.

As a ‘Light-bound’ I find the concept of Void to be absolutely maddening. Like seriously, how am I supposed to realistically and consciously talk about something ‘unknowable’ or incomprehensible? Especially in a lengthy blog post? Do you expect me to just pull it out of thin air?

The Void aspect is just so frustrating to talk about and here’s why.

Submitting your Work to the Matrigogs

The Extended Zodiac states that:

Those bound to the aspect of Void are the universe’s secret-keepers. The unknown doesn’t scare them-where others might see emptiness, they see potential. A blank page, an empty canvas, that’s what the Void-bound live for. They value mystery and the unexplained, and are not particularly bothered by not having all the answers. Where others might be compelled to go out and seek answers, the Void-bound lean more toward casting doubt on what is already considered fully understood. They don’t take much on faith and would rather live in a state of confusion than believe something that might be untrue or bow to intellectual authority. After all, in order for something new to be built, the old, rotting foundation must often be razed. At their best, Void-bound are wise, intuitive, and vibrant. At their worst they can be dismissive, indecisive, and apathetic.

And this description makes me infuriated.

As a ‘Lightbound’ I love having all of the information I need readily at my fingertips, you know? I don’t enjoy going through the process of designing a social experiment. I’d much rather just observe it happening in nature or better yet skip all that.

But Voidbounds don’t do that at all. No, get this. They actually go through the laborious and boring process of setting up experiments and junk like that. They run trials and tests to figure out what’s real and what is not.

They think that you need to be able to prove that what you’re saying is true at all times. If you claim to be able to appearify their family heirloom out of their room, be prepared to give them a demonstration.

“One Colonel Sassacre tome and dead cat coming right up Janey”

If you claim to be able to teleport them to their best friend/moirail you’d best be able to put your money where your mouth is.

MSPAR attempting to prove to Equius he can take Nepeta to him.

When it comes to physical reality, you can’t fool these guys at all.

You need to be prepared to follow the scientific method. In particular the first 3 steps of it. Whereas lightbounds focus on the last two (synthesis) to take all of that boring stuff from before and making it into something useful or interesting.

Do you know what the worst part about that is? If I made an extraordinary claim or assumption without evidence no one is obligated to believe me. What if I wanted to prove to Jane I could magically gank objects from her and I managed to prove it to her, but because of how appearification works I couldn’t show anyone else? Everyone else would think I’m a liar or a charlatan!

I guess what would need to happen would be that other people would have to repeat the exact process you followed and achieve the same or similar result. Maybe develop a board of reputable and unbiased individuals to fact check and ensure that the information you’re putting out has been intensely scrutinized and your process is valid. Y’know, like peer review.

But that all sounds like a lot of work. Fortunately for us Lightbounds, we don’t need to do all the hard work of setting up an experiment. We can just observe situations that happen organically (without our meddling) and gather data that way to form a conclusion. We don’t have to simulate anything or abide by your mechanical processes.

But I guess it’s all necessary if we’re going to make claims about how reality works huh? If how we gained the information was invalid or the information itself was invalid that makes any conclusion we draw from it very likely to be faulty. So I guess on some level I should be thanking them? Without them, we wouldn’t be able to tell which resources are credible and which aren’t. I guess they’re more relevant and important than I gave them credit for.

Like could you imagine if I just started claiming that vaccinations cause autism or ensured you a place in some fiery inferno and people started honestly believing me without proof? Think of how many people could possibly die from such a thing! It’s a good thing we don’t live in a reality like that and everyone is completely reasonable enough to act on knowledge and not the lack of it right?

But you know what REALLY gets my goat about Void players? They have this tendency to only be able to see what is right in front of them.

Stereotypes and Lies

Like who cares if a troll is physically STRONGER or weaker than another troll because of their blood color. It’s a faulty assumption to make that your physical metric and personality (things you have no control over) make you inherently superior to other people.

For someone who’s inherently superior and more worthy because he’s STRONG (bloo-blooded) it doesn’t seem like being unable to use a bow makes you happy.

And just because Roxy was biologically born female and is one of two remaining people on Earth doesn’t mean she needs to have babies with Dirk and vice-versa. Nor does it mean she needs to use gender or outdated stereotypes to define herself if she doesn’t want to.

The downside to the Void Bound’s reliance on repeatable processes is that they often take for granted the ideas that have been perpetrated by society. They truly are people from the times they are from. They have this intense humility that lets them submit to stereotypes and ideas without thought to whether or not they are toxic and hurt them in the long run.

They rarely taking action to rise above their situation or progress. If it’s considered ‘common sense’ they just accept it because of majority rules, and that often leads to extreme prejudice or ignorance.

Equius lets Gamzee kill both himself and moirail (who he cares about) die because he feels beholden to an obsolete and irrelevant system founded on bullshit and is turned on by being submissive. Where is his conviction?

Ever notice how Rose, a lightbound, never once had to cope or agonize about her sexuality and the ideas of heteronormativity and whether or not she should be that way? She sees right through them as simple suggestions to be put down whenever she wants. She thinks outside of the box.

But the Void bound think inside the box. That’s their curse and blessing. They can produce things we already know exist with scary efficiency, but when it comes to asking them to come up with a new idea, don’t count much on it.

Jade gives Roxy a container of information and asks her to steal that container away to produce the matriorb. Roxy would never be able to do this if she wasn’t given the idea by someone else.

Science and physicality do not necessarily have ALL of the answers. Just like how we humans, technology, animals, etc have our physical limitations there are limitations of the scientific method.

The scientific method, for example, can’t tell us much about human worth, what it means to live, what is important and meaningful in our lives and how to honor that, etc. Those are things that exist primarily in the realm of knowledge, not physicality.

People are much more complex than their physiology. So they need to be very careful when they start making value claims about folks and things based solely on physicality and they need to open their minds a little bit. Otherwise, they might fall prey to accidentally enforcing a stereotype or form of bigotry onto others, alienating them.

There’s a balance to be found here is all I’m saying.

Man, I let this drag on for way too long already. Look, I really appreciate all the support you’ve given me in writing my blog posts. I’m really sorry. It’s just not happening. I can’t bring myself to write about void. My prejudice on the subject is just way too strong to handle.


