How to Get Into Ivy League Schools or Colleges? {TIPS}

Homework Minutes
3 min readJun 18, 2019


Going to an Ivy League School or university is a magnificent achievement. But how to accomplish it, is a mystery to the aspirants and their parents. Thousands of students all over the world dream to get into Ivy League Colleges. The top Ivy League Schools — Yale, Princeton, Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, and Harvard received a total of 2,81,060 applications, and less than 10% got admission offer. It is becoming much more difficult as the applicant pool is proliferating but you can certainly increase your odds of getting into one. Here are some tips that might help you conquer the rat race of getting into an Ivy League College.

Get Your Grades and Scores Up

For starters, you will need stellar grades and scores consistently if you need to go to an Ivy League College. As grades are still the most critical factor in admissions. Being in the top 10% of your class dramatically increases your chances of getting in.

Engage In Extracurricular Activities

Ivy League Schools want to see all-rounder applicants, not the bookworms who lock themselves up in a room with their books to get good scores. Join the sports team, theatre department and get involved in a club or two at your school. You can also explore the volunteer opportunities outside your hometown.

Follow Your Passion and Be Yourself

Students who get admitted to Ivy League Schools are skilled and competent. They have a life outside the classroom and campus. It doesn’t matter whether the student is doing community service or academic clubs. What they are looking for is a passionate and creative student.

Polish Your Essay

Straight A’s and stellar SAT scores are not enough for Ivy League Schools. The last thing you want is a dry and monotonous essay. Even a small error or two can kill your chances of getting into an Ivy League College. You can ask a friend or a relative to edit and proofread your essay and give you an honest feedback.

Go To an Elite Preparatory High School

Elite high schools send a high percentage of their students to Ivy League Universities. Going to an elite preparatory school gives you access to a great admission counsellor.

Apply For Early Decision

If you think you are ready, you can apply for early decision. This can boost your chances of getting into an Ivy League School. But you need to choose thoroughly as you can pick only one school for early decision. The early decision acceptance rate for the class of 2021 show how much better ED applicants’ chances are:

  • Brown:9% compared to 9%
  • Columbia:N/A for early decision/action; regular acceptance rate was 6.04%
  • Cornell:6% compared to 12.5%
  • Dartmouth:8% compared to 10.4%
  • Harvard:5% compared to 5.2%
  • Princeton:4% compared to 6.1%
  • Yale:1% compared to 6.9%

Take Professional Help

Students whose sights are set on Ivy League Colleges, use consulting firms to get ahead of the competition. These firms are pricey, but they provide tutoring as well as counselling for all the four years of high school. 92% of students who took professional help got into at least one of their top choices.

Be realistic but don’t be afraid of shooting for the stars. If you are an average student, the sooner you start strengthening your application, the better chance you will have. As the saying goes, ‘shoot for the moon and if you miss, you’ll land among the Stars’. Ivy Leagues are not the only universities worth going to, so also apply to a few backup schools. If you follow these tips you might end up getting into an Ivy League College, but don’t forget to enjoy high school because these are the golden days of your life.

Originally published at on June 18, 2019.



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