How can I become your advisor?

3 min readMay 16, 2018

We are attempting to set up an ICO launching platform to bring together real estate investing, humanitarian aid, and nature conservation by way of blockchain technology.

We will operate this platform as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). Its incorporation is pending on the HOM Nº 1 ICO outcome (running from June 18th, 2018 to December 24th, 2018).

Our mission as a nonprofit will be to help the homeless produce their own food and find transitional shelter.

If you can find a similar vocation within you, and you are skilled in the areas of blockchain programming, web development (front/back-end), fintech, nutrition, sanitation, ecology, permaculture, homesteading, human resources, or nonprofit management, you now have the opportunity to put them to use for a great cause while still getting paid.

All advisory tasks will be assigned on a rotation basis to a diverse pool of successful applicants.

Please register in our crowdsale whitelist here: and then apply for an advisory role here:

You can register for any amount of tokens at your discretion. Whitelisting for our tokens does not represent any later buying commitment.

The reason we are asking you to register for tokens before applying for an advisory role is exceptional, we know, but it’s the strategy we have decided to follow to get a little committed on both sides, while helping us get an idea of our ICO pre-sales momentum.

But, hey! It could be good business too: for as little as one HOM1 token (US$ 7 as of May 15th, 2018), you could eventually be assigned a task that can range from just 5 hours to 30 hours a month (currently established at 20 US$/h.). We know is now much, but with your work, you would be taking part in bringing together real estate investing, humanitarian aid, and nature conservation, which for the first time can be attempted by way of blockchain technology.

And it will only take you a few hours a month of your time while leaving the upside chance of empowering your professional profile, if we can finally pull this thing off!

We intend to have more than one advisor per Advisory area. If this, in fact becomes the case, tasks will be assigned on a rotation basis and spread among all token holder advisors inasmuch as possible, provided we believe they can do the job. Having said that, the better an advisor works, the more jobs he/she will get.

Note that some tasks (e.g. legal) can be invoiced as pro bono, since we will be registered as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).

And the fact that you will be a token holder once you buy your assigned tokens, you will get to also benefit from all these: (1) voting rights on any major key decision regarding the HOMMM Organization, (2) you might be able to sell your tokens at an ICO exchange once we get accepted, and (3) get whitelisted on HOMs Nº 2, 3, … for token bonuses.

So, get whitelisted, apply for your advisory role, and let’s get started!

Thank you!

Step1: Link to whitelist registration section

Step 2: Link to the applications page

IMPORTANT NOTE: registering for tokens does not guaranty advisor application success, all applicants will be subject to a selection process by our HR advisor(s).

