About the HOM# Organization

2 min readMay 11, 2018

We are setting up a nonprofit organization and ICO launching platform to bring together real estate investing, humanitarian aid, and nature conservation by way of blockchain technology.

Our mission as a nonprofit is to use this technology to build self-sufficient homesteads for people in need, which we will sell to foundations, private companies, and philanthropists.

This is a unique blockchain technology use case, as for the first time this combination of sectors can be put to work simultaneously in a transparent, replicable, and economically viable way.

We will operate this platform as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). Its final incorporation is pending on the HOM#1 ICO outcome(running from June 18th, 2018 to December 24th, 2018).

The countries of incorporation will be put up for votation. The current options we are considering, as best for our kind of organization and compatible with an ICO launching, are Norway, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, and Estonia. We will keep regular updates on our Telegram group, such as the cost of incorporating, benefits, aids, etc., to help you make up your mind as a token holder.

In the meantime, the ICO launching web and platform https://www.hommm.io will be owned and operated by its founder Alain Araw as a private individual. Once the organization is established, this resource will be transferred to it.

Please get whitelisted as a potential token buyer here: https://www.hommm.io/#buy

Thank you!

Alain Araw (Founder)

(Please don’t forget to visit this website https://www.hommm.io to see how our ICO launching platform works.)

