2 min readSep 21, 2022


Today, let’s understand the remedy Lycopodium and know everything about this drug.

General preface

Lycopodium, generally known as Wolf’s Foot or Clubmoss belongs to the Lycopodiaceae family of factory area. It’s known as vegetable Sulphur.

Medicine is prepared using tinge of spores and tinge of fresh shops.

Lycopodium has a pronounced action on the following corridor

. Hair

. Gastrointestinal system

. manly and womanish Genitalia

. Urinary system

. Skin, etc.

Constitution of a Lycopodium Case
. Lycopodium is a deep amusement remedy, veritably useful in different habitual conditions.

. Especially suited for axes of life — children and old people.

. Cases of mild grains, lymphatic constitution with catarrhal tendencies.

. Old people with uric acid diathesis.

. Intellectually keen people, will exceed whichever career field they will choose but their body doesn’t support them, they’ve weak muscular power.

. People who look mature beyond their periods.

. Upper part of the body is wasted and the lower part issemi-dropsical.

. Lycopodium cases generally want to stay alone, they don’t like to socialise much, they will avoid all the situations to avoid people; fears commitment and liabilities.

Lycopodium cases have affections due to-

. Fright

. Demotion

. Anxiety

. complications

. Sexual surpluses, masturbation.

. Tobacco biting

. Wine,etc.

Mental Symptoms

. These cases generally feel weak and dastardly, they develop inferiority complexes and come shy and withdrawn.

. They’ve low tone- regard and low confidence.

. fluently irked, indeed little effects irk him.

. Cases have constant fear of breaking down under stress.

. Though the case wants to be alone yet he wants someone in the coming room, because he’s stressed to be alone.

. Case feels that his memory is weakened, spells or writes words and syllables incorrectly; failing brain power.

. There’s confusion about everyday effects but the case is rational while he talks about abstract subjects.


. Pressing headache especially on vertex which is exacerbated from 4 to 8 PM and lying down or condescending.

. Case feels that her body starts turning as soon as she sees commodity turning; whirling vertigo.

. Headache is associated with vertigo.

. Cases might suffer from semi side headache( migraine) especially in the evening.

. Eruptions on head, with a lot of fusty suppuration; glands of neck might be dammed occasionally.

. unseasonable greying of hair, hair falls out; baldness, first on vertex and also on sides.

. Hair falls after conditions associated with gastrointestinal system, after labor.

. Burning and itching of crown especially on getting warm.

. There’s a scurf on the crown of children, which when scratched, bleeds.

. Hair falls from the head but increases on the other body corridor.

For more and Buy online lycopodium products with special discount….

