Worlds first hybrid rental & ownership ERC-20 Token

Hom Token
2 min readMay 13, 2020


HOMT- Home Token is the world’s first-ever hybrid Rental term Investment platform that offers tokenized security of underlying real-estate property assets while also taking a fractional load of expenses for university students. It serves as an ERC-20 based token that has an intrinsic value derived from the underlying real-estate assets and the value appreciation recorded.

HOM Token is the value benefit for every stakeholder associated with it. Be it Students, HNIs, beginners who want to enter the digital currency market with small investment or Landlords. It has everything for everyone. Students’ rental accommodation will always have 100% occupancy along with capital appreciation year on year.

With more than 6 million students enrolling between 2020 to 2023, translating into It is nearly 900 million Euros opportunity for Student’s Rental Industry, HOMT Ltd. is ready to grab the unlocked potential and execute the most profitable business model.

Using BlockChain, AI, big data, and smart contracts every transaction is recorded, auditable, and open for inspection in HOM Token.
With a unique point-based system every token holder shall witness a host of utility services and a huge capital appreciation.

We are on the mission of revolutionizing students’ rental cum investment industry while creating high returns on Investments which are fully



Hom Token

HOMT, a project of HOMT ltd. is the world’s first-ever platform that strives to democratize the access to and ownership of student dedicated properties.