Server Graphs by Aaron Parecki

(More) Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know

Dan Hon
3 min readSep 5, 2018


The best, most effective programmers have an understanding of how long computers take to perform certain key operations.

This information is known as latency numbers. Programmers should memorize them: knowing them helps create better programs and better experiences for users.

For example, it takes:

  • 1 nanosecond to reference a CPU’s Level 1 cache
  • 3 nanoseconds for a CPU branch mispredict (but let’s not think about the security implications!)
  • 100 nanoseconds to reference something in main memory
  • 88 nanoseconds to send 2,000 bytes over a network
  • 16,000 nanoseconds to read random information from a solid-state drive (an SSD)
  • 150,000,000 nanoseconds to send a network packet from California to the Netherlands and receive a reply

But knowing the latency of computer operations isn’t everything. It’s important to know how long other things take in tech, too.

It takes:

  • 10 seconds for a Hacker News comment claiming the idea for your product is unoriginal and unlikely to succeed
  • 90 seconds to reboot your 2018 Macbook Pro because the Touchbar froze again
  • 10 minutes to get feedback from people outside the tech world about your terrible “Uber, but for bodegas” idea
  • 20 minutes from the end of the WWDC keynote for your non-technical co-founder to Slack you a Verge article, asking you to implement a new iOS feature that doesn’t make any sense
  • 30 minutes for an ecosystem algorithm change to be pushed into production
  • 45 minutes for that algorithm change to destroy your business
  • 1–2 hours to have a replacement Apple USB-C power adapter delivered to your hotel because you forgot to pack one
  • 3 hours to drive to Sand Hill Road and deliver your pitch
  • 9 months for one particular VC to do the honorable thing and give you a clear no
  • 36 hours for the Series A wire to clear from your VC’s bank — remember, it doesn’t count until the money’s in the bank!
  • 3–10 days for interim funding checks from seed investors to clear — it still doesn’t count until the money’s in the bank!
  • 4 weeks for you to notice that the algorithm change may have destroyed your business
  • 9 months for you to accept that you can’t prevent Facebook cloning your product
  • 15 days for you to reject a face-saving acquihire from Microsoft
  • 18 months of disappearing revenue for you to accept that an algorithm change has destroyed your business
  • 2.5 years for you to exhaust your runway and painfully learn that your startup was too early, or that you didn’t have the right product/market fit
  • 3 months for you to pivot to an entirely different concept
  • 10 years for the press to call your now-successful “startup” an “overnight success”

Lastly, here’s the most important latency number all programmers need to know. It should take:

  • 2 seconds for your leadership to realize they should ban Nazis from your platform.

With thanks to Tom Coates and Matt Haughey.

