The Usborne Book of the 2020s

Dan Hon
13 min readJun 7, 2022


What if we’d grown up with The Usborne Book of 2020s instead of The Usborne Book of the Future?

Adapted from a Twitter thread.

Forest fires now burn continuously across the USA

Forest fires now burn continuously across the USA. Satellites in orbit and drones detect and provide early warning of forests aflame, but much of the population pays no heed to the climate crisis. Plumes of smoke drift across the country change the color of the sky and force people to stay indoors due to dangerous and poisonous air quality.

In this picture, a rare four-legged walking fire robot made by Boston Dynamics is used to attack an unconfined wildfire with fire-smothering chemicals developed by an multi-national conglomerate, while thousands of prisoners act as conscripted firefighters for no pay or reward. The walking design enables the robot to fight fires in all sorts of awkward places.

By 2021, scientists predict that a respiratory virus pandemic will sweep the globe, killing millions

By 2021, scientists predict that a respiratory virus pandemic will sweep the globe, killing millions. Scientists might use a technique called “mRNA vaccines” to fight such a pandemic. A breakdown in trust of public institutions worldwide means the virus will merely become endemic and still kill millions.

This picture shows a computer at work in the car industry

This picture shows a computer at work in the car industry. Cars will become so reliant on computers that in 2021, shortages might be caused by a lack of microprocessing units. Electrical cars might also be designed by computer millionaires, who made their money in the computer industry.

Rocket troops of the future

It is night-time, as private military contractors prepare to board a SpaceX Super Heavy Starship rocket transport. Their task — to quell a climate crisis uprising in a state half-way across the world. The rocket is fueled with liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen and is ready to go.

It is dawn as the SpaceX Super Heavy Starship rocket transport lands. Armed ground vehicles based on an electric truck design hold a cordon around the transport before the main body of private military contractors move off to deal with the uprising and illegal refugees. The transporter acts as a command base for the operation, disrupting local communications and spreading disinformation.

A typical Earth city in the year 2021

This scene, though not pretending to accurately predict the future, nevertheless attempts to show how people might live in the year 2021.

  1. An electric monorail train services as exclusive transport for computer millionaires, the only productive members of society.
  2. Below the line runs a buried electricity network, but only a small proportion of the network is below ground. The majority of the power network is aged and decrepit, and regularly causes horrific wildfires that affect low-income people.
  3. This city is one of several advertising-funded “green zones” where a computer network organized planting program unsuccessfully combatted global warming.
  4. A prototype non-polluting electric jet, again developed by people who made their fortune in micro-computing.
  5. Cheap electrical vehicles are used for local travel while thousands of trucks clog city roads delivering packages.
  6. Only a few “brutalist” mid 20th century architecture buildings survived terrorist attacks from rightwing fascists.
  7. Electric bicycles are the cheapest basic means of transport for people to get about over short distances. Cycling fatalities remain high because the “electronic eyes” in cars are not reliable.

Harvesting produce in 2021

This seasonal migrant worker needs an oxygen mask and breathing apparatus to harvest produce. In 2021, climate crisis wildfires contribute to air with dangerously high levels of particulates. The mask also helps with reduced lung capacity as a result of an earlier respiratory virus pandemic. The cost of the mask and oxygen is deducted from the migrant worker’s pay.

A looping tube under the ground

This bullet-shaped train, proposed by a future computer programming millionaire, is what some scientists think will have replaced all kinds of transport in 2021. The train would run through underground tunnels, hundreds of meters below the ground. The tube would be emptied of air and the train supported by MAGLEV. A maximum speed of over 4200 kph could be achieved for 69 passengers. This type of transport would be massively more efficient than other forms of public transport, and very profitable.

Supersonic planes heat up by hundreds of degrees during flight due to friction. The loop tube train’s body remains icy-cold, like the concentration of the computer programmer entrepreneurs funding it.

A House in 2021

Wind Power

Wind power will be hard to build in the United States. In theory, wind power could provide a lot of electricity. But it is not attractive and threatens entrenched industry and political interests.

Cheap transport

Bicycles ought to be the most popular form of personal transport in 2021 but will still be unsafe. Many riders are likely to die because they will be invisible to the “electronic eyes” of computer cars patrolling the streets. Industry and politics will ensure roads remain car-friendly for a long time.

Sunshine power

Solar cells are flat panes of silicon material which convert energy in sunlight into electricity. Scientists think computer millionaires may make this power affordable to all.

Electric car

Small vehicles will probably be electric powered and run special software on their powerful C.P.Us. By 2021, they will attract cult followings who will attack detractors.

Computer-controlled homes

Many home functions will be controlled by computers, from alarm calls, lights and motorized garage doors. Every unit in will have a microprocessor connected to a computer network, controlled by only two or three worldwide companies. These devices will be a good encouragement to pay bills!

Crime in the 2020s

Manipulated populations of the 2020s will be scared of crime. This lock is computerized — it scans and recognizes the retina of anyone approaching. Strangers are reported to police, private companies, and a neighborhood watch electronic bulletin board.

A ringed world

This ringed world is not Saturn, but Earth in the year 2021 according to NASA super computer simulations. Thousands of man-made satellites have been launched into orbit. These satellites are computer systems producing b-coins (“binary coins”), the monetary system that underpins commerce and art in 2021.

A 2020-er vacationing at the beach in 2021

It ought to be impossible to get lost in the world of 2021, in a city or out of it. This 2020-er has used his risto to book a 90-minute vacation at a private beach. The sun is going down in a sky red from climate change wildfires. By using a search on his risto, he can ask for bids from other 2020-ers to drive him back to the nearest town in an electric car. His risto can be used to make a photograph of the attractive sunset, which he can curate into electronic content — and receive a small fee from speculators.

Staying in touch

Ristos and mobies make it easy to stay in touch in 2021. The risto doubles as a watch too, continuously feeding data like location and heart rate back to advertisers, companies providing services, and law enforcement. Ristos will also keep track of your health so doctors will know who to spend precious medical resources on. Better keep moving!

Getting home from your hospital stay

Scientists and entrepreneurs are imagining safer and faster methods of getting home after a stay in a hospital. By 2021, you might ride home in a private electric motor ambulance designed by a computer millionaire. The ambulance will be driven by a 2020-er paid by the minute. Sophisticated micro-computers will display an itemized bill for your treatment and transport on your screen at home.

Affordable life-saving medicine

Computerized displays on medicine vials will show what kind of treatment a patient can afford. In 2021, this is needed because of rising inequality. Not everyone is allowed to have life-saving medicine. This vial shows a green hand go sign, which means the medic is allowed to use the treatment. Displays like this have already been developed.

Documenting engaging media

Early warning satellites would enable media teams to move quickly and document scenes of potential high engagement. In this picture, a Disney+ electric hover-jet swoops low over a separatist attack to pick up survivors, as buildings crumble and mobie connections falter.

The electric hover-jet is held aloft by four propellers, shrouded in circular ducts. Its electric motors are based on ones found in an electric car designed by a computer millionaire. Its maximum speed should be about 420 kph.


By 2021, mining the moon will be important as computer titans (people who made their fortunes programming computers) put in place their plan to escape the planet. The moon will be their first target after they have achieved orbit. Reaching the moon will also be a sign of increasing shareholder value.

Once the moon has been reached, heavy industry will continue on Earth, providing low-paid jobs for people.

This picture shows two SpaceX moonminers, supported aloft by compressed-gas powered backpacks. Their backpacks carry sophisticated electronics and computers.

Down below are two tracked electric vehicles they use as a mobile base.

No rockets required

There is no need for expensive rocket power to get materials and goods off the Moon. This long loop machine does the job, adapted from an underground loop tube transport machine on Earth. It accelerates modules up to 4,200 meters a second, enough to escape the Moon’s gravitational pull.

The modules all contain commercial goods ordered by people over their ristos or mobies. The plan is to aim them into the atmosphere where they will be caught by electric powered drones and delivered to their final destination.

The power for this catapult is provided by solar cells. Scientists think that only people who have made their fortune in computers will be able to develop the technology for this or even afford to build it.

Keeping in touch, even while sick

During the respiratory virus pandemics of the 2020s, people will send short messages to each other over electronic computer networks. These messages could be about whether the pandemic is real or whether to trust medical treatments.

Sick people in hospital will follow these conversations using screens attached to the foot of their bed.

In this picture, the red line shows the number of people who believe the pandemic is real.

A typical Earth city in the year 2021

This scene, though not pretending to accurately predict the future, nevertheless attempts to show how people might live in the year 2021.

  1. Although these look like stunted, dying trees, they are not. They are radio towers for ristos and mobies — the miniature computers people carry with them.
  2. Perpetual wildfires create a sky that looks laden with smog. Visibility is limited, but also provides a good opportunity for people to take and share photographs.
  3. Heavy trucks regularly travel on roads delivering goods to people within hours of ordering. The financial systems of 2021 provide easy credit for people to buy things.
  4. In only a few cities, huge apartment blocks are thrown up for affordable dense housing.
  5. Neglect and decay result in city systems being replaced with privately-owned computer-controlled lights. Most people are excited for the prospect of a computer millionaire to take over their city and run it properly.

Although these look like stunted, dying trees, they are not. They are radio towers for ristos and mobies — the miniature computers people carry with them.

Perpetual wildfires create a sky that looks laden with smog. Visibility is limited, but also provides a good opportunity for people to take and share photographs on mobies.

Heavy trucks regularly travel on roads delivering goods to people within hours of ordering. The financial systems of 2021 provide easy credit for people to buy things.

The computerized household

This cozy living room of 2021 has many electronic gadgets which are already being developed in the 1980s.

  1. Giant-size TV. This one has a super-bright screen for daylight viewing and is showing a digital sports program from the Olympics using a technology scientists call a “video river”.
  2. Electronic video movie cameras will be used by young people in 2021 to create short, entertaining clips to share with each other. Successful clips earn money from advertisers.
  3. Flat-screen TV. This one is used to order shopping via a computerized shopping center where people work in cramped conditions for little money.
  4. Vintage plate holder. In 2021, most meals will be delivered by contractors.
  5. Domestic robot controlled by a contract worker in India or the mid-west USA.
  6. Mail slot. Most correspondence in 2021 will take place over computerized networks where people send short messages to each other. Messages to you will be printed out and deposited in your mail slot. You will be able to send messages by writing them and having them fed into the mail slot, where they will be sent electronically to their recipients. Like many other electronic ideas, the savings in time and energy could be enormous. It is unlikely this system will be abused.

Climate terrorists

This picture shows an all-too-likely scene from the 2020s. Direct-action climate crisis terrorists have attacked an oil rig to disrupt the petroleum industry.

A fast patrol electric hydrofoil has been cleared to fire an depleted uranium-tipped anti-shipping missile at the terrorists’ boat — only to have it intercepted by a swarm of inexpensive drones released by the terrorists.

In the background, homeland security blimps cruise in to fight the fire and deal with the climate crisis terrorists.

Keeping an “electronic eye” on farming

This picture shows how computers have changed farming in 2021. “Electronic eyes” developed by computer geniuses let farmers harvest crops even at night-time when the stars are out.

C.P.U.-controlled tractors are more profitable for companies because they will prevent farmers from making their own repairs.

A meeting on a mobie?

Ristos, mobies and TV screens will all be important during the respiratory virus pandemics of 2021. Meetings could be held over risto or using a TV as shown here. Computers could be used to count votes too, which would be very important during an infectious pandemic.

The electronic revolution

The inhabitants of 2021 could have small gadgets of enormous benefit — a wristwatch radio-telephone and a pocket computer. They would rely on super-powerful satellites, like the one on the page opposite. Present-day satellites are fairly simple, with expensive ground stations. Perhaps in the future, computer millionaires will develop more sophisticated satellites for wrist-radios (which could be called ‘ristos’) and pocket computers (‘mobies’). A risto or mobie could sell for about the same price as a good hi-fi system.

This satellite could be one of a constellation of thousands developed by a future computer genius. These satellites might be called a Star Link. They could handle electronic mail, too. People will have lots to talk about in 2021, such as the respiratory virus pandemics.

Reduced crime with ristos

Crime in cities will be much reduced thanks to the risto. Police in the 2020s will all have ristos and mobies, giving them instant access to criminal records and evidence. Police will use electronic eyes and ears all over a city to look for and stop crime to keep us safe.

In the picture above, two youth 2000-ers have stolen a businessman’s electric car — its owner has pressed the emergency button on his risto. The risto has sent a picture of the youths to a local bulletin board and alerted the police, reminding them that crime does not pay.

Commonplace electronic conferences

Laser-holography is a new hi-tech technique which creates 3-D pictures. It will be used constantly in 2021 for business meetings like the one shown above. On the left the heads of a growth team have joined a virtual meeting from their homes, first thing in the morning.

Across the table is their boss at his retreat in New Zealand, thousands of miles away. 3-D cameras hanging from the ceiling of each room create the illusion of a complete room as the growth team explains how they will attract more users.

Electronic conferences like this will be commonplace in 2021 as infectious diseases ravage populations. Perhaps you will be the computer expert to invent this “metaverse” for everyone to benefit from!

