Hey, Siri?

These are the deep learning, neural network voyages of the starship Enterprise…

Dan Hon
6 min readNov 20, 2017

Majel Barret: previously on Dan Hon trains a neural network to name things, British placenames (funny) and Ask MetaFilter questions (heartbreaking).

I trained an A.I. to write Star Trek episode titles because the internet demands it.


  1. Make a textfile of Star Trek episode titles (not too hard). Because I did this a while ago, it doesn’t include the age of DISCO.
  2. Use torch-rnn on my laptop (instead of a GPU instance on EC2 because the training set isn’t that large) and play around with the model training settings (“programming”).
  3. Generate a whole bunch of episode titles.
  4. Realize that I can insert the episode titles I like back into the training data and re-train to reinforce the “good” titles I liked.
  5. Do some more training.
  6. Generate a whole bunch more episode titles.
  7. Pick the best ones, sort the best of those into the correct series (excluding DISCO, because I did this over the summer) and paste them below (centaur style).

I’ve put the data, trained torch-rnn models and sampled output in a Github repo.


Instead of just pasting the (“curated”) generated episode titles, I thought I’d make it harder for myself and write synopses for all of them, then publish. That turned out to take longer than I thought, so instead:

Community challenge!

Hello, I have generated a bunch of Star Trek episode titles. Help me out and write synopses for them, would you?

Without further ado:

Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek: The Original Series

The original Star Trek (1966–1969) consisted of only 79 episodes over 3 seasons before it was cancelled by NBC in 1969.

My neural net can generate a lot more than 79 episode titles, though.

The Nine Trees

While on routine patrol, the Enterprise picks up a signal from the planet Lyra VI. Establishing a standard orbit, Captain Kirk leads a landing party down to the surface. Finding nothing on the surface other than a circle of nine crystalline trees, the crew make survey readings before continuing their patrol. After the Enterprise leaves orbit, though, the landing party begin to exhibit strange behavior…

Cold Stack

After completing a supply mission to a distant Federation outpost, the Enterprise is diverted upon orders from from Starfleet Command to investigate what appears to be an unremarkable comet on the edge of Klingon space. With scans showing the comet riddled with labyrinthine tunnels, and a Klingon fleet on the way, Captain Kirk must use his wits to buy time for Spock and McCoy to investigate indecipherable technology promising a dramatic secret about the Federation’s past and future.

The Killing of the Battle of Khan

Yes. A Khan episode.

Call and Spock

This episode from TOS sets up the “Mirror Spock” storyline and episodes through subsequent series generated by my neural net. See: Shadow Spock (ENT), Second Spock (TNG), The Alternative Spock (DS9).

Ricks (Part 2)

Clearly, a sequel to Ricks (Part 1). If you are a Rick and Morty fan, this is the crossover you have been waiting for.

The Time of Martin

Child’s Work

The Trap of Mind

A Fist of Men

The Warliner

The Best of the Mudd

Porthos is not in this image and that’s a crime.

Star Trek: Enterprise

Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005) consisted of 98 episodes over four seasons. The first three seasons were simply titled “Enterprise”, with the qualifier “Star Trek” added partway through the third.

Enterprise was the first Star Trek series to feature a theme song, which I have not told my neural net about because we do not need any more Star Trek theme songs. (Full disclosure: actually, I don’t mind the theme song. 🎶 It’s been a long road…)

Shadow Spock

This episode is part of the “Mirror Spock” storyline set up in “Call and Spock” (TOS). See also: Second Spock (TNG), The Alternative Spock (DS9).

Terra Prophets

The Enterprise discovers a perplexing clone of Earth that appears to be from the far future.

The Anger of Trip

The Forge of Metron

The Omega Mind

The Spark of Fire

Future of Armageddon

The Angel of Hell

A Past Tense

The Altermark Incident

The Sure Q

“I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard, of the USS Enterprise”

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987–1994) lasted for seven seasons and introduced viewers to new enemies in the Borg, provided into Starfleet’s career progression and promotion pathways through Wesley Crusher and expanded the potential of storytelling through the holodeck.

My neural net did not write any holodeck episodes, and for that you can thank me.

Second Spock

This episode is part of the “Mirror Spock” storyline set up in “Call and Spock” (TOS). See also: Shadow Spock (ENT), The Alternative Spock (DS9).

The World Star

The Enterprise is dispatched to offer scientific support to the Federation’s newest gravitational lensing observatory.

The Empath of Fire

A very special Troi episode.

Darmok Distant

Jared, His Arms Wide Open.

The Enemy Mirror

The TNG mirror universe episode we’ve always been waiting for.

Babel of Light

One Little Shatter of the Stars

Time’s Holiday

Dark Time

The Children Command

Fall of the Angel

Broken World

Second Q

Babel of Fear

“Did I ever tell you how much I love baseball, Jake?”

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993–1999) lasted for seven seasons and is known for being the “darkest” of the Star Treks (prior to, of course, the darkest of them all, DISCO). Deep Space Nine (DS9) is beloved to its fans chiefly due to attention detail paid during the series to the human sport of baseball.

The Alternative Spock

This episode is part of the “Mirror Spock” storyline set up in “Call and Spock” (TOS). See also: Shadow Spock (ENT) and Second Spock (TNG).

The Mirror of Hell

Like VOY’s Year of Hell, but in the Mirror Universe.

Lies of the Dark

Distance of the Prophets

The Days of the Incident

A Matter of the End

A Matter of the End, Part II

Q the Kill Part Two

The Eye of the Stars

Shadow Faction

The Day of Morn

This ship had a chief morale officer and for that they deserved to be stranded.

Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager (1995–2001) told the story of the Intrepid-class Voyager, hurled across the galaxy and stranded over 70,000 light-years from home. To get home, the crew would have to appoint a chief morale officer, who would be responsible for the Voyager’s computers catching a cold from some cheese.

Voyager is perhaps most fondly known to its fans for its attitude toward shuttlecraft.

Second Stack

Season 5. Limping along at warp 3, Seven of Nine’s upgraded Astrometrics Lab proves its worth by pinging Ops Chief Harry Kim about a nearby comet tantalizingly loaded with material needed for critical repairs. Over Chakotay’s objections, Janeway instructs Lt. Paris and Seven of Nine to deploy Borg-inspired mining nanites. When the nanites disturb long-dormant technology, though, Lt. Paris realizes that Starfleet has had contact with this comet in the past: by none other than Captain Kirk. A follow-up to Cold Stack (TOS).

Storm Mirror

While in Voyager’s upgraded astrometrics lab, Seven of Nine detects a new kind of nebula, but not before the the crew are able to execute successful evasive maneuvers. Stranded in the nebula with sensors and shields disabled, warp drive offline, Voyager receives a hail and a demand to surrender and be boarded: by the I.S.S. Voyager.

Sing of Ferengi

Star Trek’s first musical episode involves a holonovel gone out-of-control, authored by none other than “fan of the twentieth century,” pilot Tom Paris.

Q Mirror

It looks like Q, but he’s not quite behaving like Q…

Shore of Fear

The Death of Home

Stations and Angels

Sund’s Eye

Dear Son

Paradise Factor

Shatter of the Stars

OK, thank you! Please contribute synopses of any of the above episodes!

NB: Yes, I will be retraining the network with DISCO titles.

